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She expected pain on her neck. Instead, she felt a warm sensation on her lower body as they reached their edge, it felt amazing.

"Joshua-a" Amina held onto the pleasurable feeling, she still felt no pain on her neck.

She opened her eyes when she felt him backing away without pulling out. Amina gasped as she saw Joshua with blood all over his mouth. Oddly enough, she liked how it looked on him.

She touched her neck, and felt nothing. But when she looked at his arm, she gasped. He bit his arm.

"I'm sorry, I almost bit you without your permission" Joshua's face was painted in horror and disappointment.

"I-I never lost so much control in my life" His eyes landed on her.

"No, Joshua, it's okay" Amina has now pulled out from him as she attempted to wipe his tears and the blood from his mouth.

She grabbed a clean towel from a stack beside them to clean and wrap his bleeding arm while he dwelled in regret.

"It's not! I would've tied you with me! You deserve much more!" Joshua bursted out.

Amina sighed and went to him to press a long kiss on his forehead. She took only her bathrobe and wore it, before approaching Joshua to whisper in his ear.

"Fix your thoughts before you meet me again. I am more than willing to be your mate. By then, I'll be all yours... But I think you need more time for yourself. Thank you for today, Joshua, I love it" Amina pulled away and left immediately.

Her eyes caught the same pair of yellow glowing eyes on her peripheral vision. However, she was too tired to pay attention so she left it as it is, while its eyes followed her every movement.

Her way back felt took ages, it was a good thing that she still was able to wash off before going to bed.

Just like that, her day ended.


The moment she opened her eyes, Amina was now surrounded in a heavy tropical forest. It is unlike anything she has seen before, considering how warm and comfortable the atmosphere is.

It then took her a while for her to panic.

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