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Amina took only 3 days to decide her answer. Although she wanted it from the start, she knew that she would enter something extraordinary. It meant that she'd leave something too.

Also, the address given by Jeonghan was somewhere near the countryside.

She didn't know what to do with her job so she decided to temporarily stop work for a month. Amina was ready for what was coming to her so she had packed and decided to leave.

The taxi she took had pulled over a road beside a grandly fenced yard. A slightly antique mansion stood in the middle and it was oddly quiet.

"I can only drop you off here." The driver parked and looked over at her in the rearview mirror.

"Do you know what mansion that is?" Amina asked, curious of what the townspeople had viewed the mansion.

"Oh, I think it's just privately owned by a businessman. Is it not?" He asked.

"No, um you're right" She smiled before getting out of the car.

"Hello, are you Amina?" A soothing voice was heard behind her.

She snapped her head and flinched after seeing another charming-looking man clad in casual-formal attire. He had a very attractive smile and a well-built body.

Before she could even think of letting lust take over, she heard the melodic voice again.

"Are you okay?" He slightly took a step forward, checking her condition.

"Hello, just a little tired. Yes, I'm Amina" Embarrassed by her own actions, she immediately turned around to grab her things.

"Oh, let me help, Amina" The man mysteriously appeared beside her before gently grabbing it away from her.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Hong Joshua, I'm one of the people who manage this manor" Joshua replied as he gave a slight nod towards the huge mansion.

"This place is really beautiful" Amina added as he followed Joshua to the front gate.

"It is, you'll see more of it after a small orientation" After entering the gate, it took a few minutes before they arrived at the main mansion. He opened the towering wooden doors before it revealed a long hallway.

"Am I, the only lady here?" She asked. If they relied on letting her take all the weight and pressure of having multiple partners, she may just refuse.

"Right now, we have ten ladies here" He replied before looking at her with a comfortable smile.

"Don't worry about it, no one can do something you don't like without your consent. We will have a written contract of agreement to protect both parties too. Everything else will be explained by the main person here" He opened one door on the right.

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