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"Mingyu?" Seungcheol rushed to help out Amina first before looking at him as he stood up with a huff.

"Why are you here?" Seungcheol asked.

"I patrolled the area for the last few days since rogues have been invading this area and my pack" Mingyu, spoke before looking back at Amina.

(A/N: Rogues are werewolf-human shifters with lost human sides/soul. It makes them very aggressive and they kill any living thing they see)

"You know, it's been a while, I shall visit you and Joshua soon. I also heard that Jeonghan started to visit the mansion" Mingyu added.

"Sure" Seungcheol nodded.

"Then you must be Amina, I apologize for bumping into you." Mingyu apologized with a smile. His handsome face beamed and it made her more embarrassed knowing that he might be the one who caught her and Joshua making love near the pool last night.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking a moment ago" She gave a nervous smile.

"It's fine, I thought I smelled something, I might be mistaken" Then again, his eyes flashed to those familiar gold irises.

(iykyk. Hint: It's about mingyu's mate)

"Oh, did you find something you like to eat? Let me treat you as an apology!" Amina offered.

"Something I like to eat? Somewhat, I was talking about my mate-" Just as Mingyu finished the last word, Seungcheol had wrapped his arms around her waist as he shielded his body from Amina.

"Work your way to get her affection, Mingyu, mate or not. Today, she's with me" Away from Amina's hearing range, Seungcheol had muttered threats to Mingyu. Mingyu had an amused smile on his face.

"Sure. Of course, I will" Mingyu now smiled in defeat before leaving casually.

"What happened to Mingyu?" Amina appeared behind his back, only to find him gone.

"He had something to do, unfortunately." Seungcheol held her hands and lightly pulled her towards the near end of the village.

"I'd like to show you something instead" Seungcheol looked excited to show it to her, so she looked forward to it.

In the end, it was worth it. He had led her to a meadow, with lush grass and flowers growing all over the place. A tree settled at an elevated area, where he had led Amina to sit under.

"This place is really amazing. Seungcheol, I can't believe I'd see something like this in my whole life!" With wide eyes, she basked under the view like it would disappear anytime soon.

"I'm glad you like it" Seungcheol released a satisfied laugh as he leaned on the tree trunk. He had been staring at her the whole time, ignoring the whole scenery but only her.

"I love it" Amina looked at him and tackled him into a bear hug.

"Today was awesome!!" She leaned on his chest, smiling crazily as she heard his chest beating wildly.

"Amina, I've never seen anyone so happy with simple dates. I wished I could do more for you though." Seungcheol muttered as he embraced her as well.

"Don't think about it. Being with you seemed more lovely too, you know." Amina pulled away and it was her turn to peck him on the tip of his nose.

Seungcheol had released a strangled groan as he slowly leaned towards her.

"I'd like to do something for you. Kick me if you hate it" He proceeded to slip his hand under her dress.

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