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After seeing him out of her room, she continued unpacking, which was surprisingly easy and relaxing to do, considering how excited she was.

Amina had finished earlier than expected. Although it was still a bit early, she felt energized. She jumped to her bed and stared at the ceiling while looking back at the past events.

She felt like sleeping but was interrupted midway when she heard an unnatural sound coming from the fireplace.

Amina rose from her bed and took a step forward, trying to ease her fear as she looked at the flames that were bigger than normal.

"Show yourself, or I'll scream" Amina grabbed a water bottle from her desk and opened it.

Before she could even execute what she planned, a figure glided from the fire to the carpet near her place.

"Hello" When the man fully morphed into a handsome person, she glared at him.

"Hello? You literally trespassed in my room!" Amina massaged her temples, surprised that she didn't even faint from seeing a man come out from the flames in the fireplace.

"Sorry about that, I wanted to meet you as soon as possible. But Seungcheol insisted on waiting for your approval to accept partners" He explained.   

"You look exactly like the painting" The man stared at her with a look between amazement and adoration.

"Who are you?" Based on his words, he may be Mingyu or Minghao.

"I'm Minghao. Don't worry, I won't touch you. I waited for the correct time to secretly meet you. I brought something for you too" Minghao handed Amina a luxurious small jewelry box.

A genuine smile slipped out of Amina's lips. She was never materialistic, but she somehow feels appreciated with small acts of giving.

"Wow, It's really pretty" A ring was beautifully placed inside. It had a small red heart-shaped gem that was intricately designed.

"Please wear that when you're with me. There's a magic there that adjusts my heat to match with yours since I may burn you" He looked sad at his circumstances.

"You-" Amina hesitated.

"I'm... a fire demon" He looked like he wanted to say something more but he stopped halfway after hearing incoming footsteps.

"Soon, I'd love it if I could paint a portrait of you too" Minghao smiled, seeing Amina wear the ring. He slowly grabbed her hand and placed a warm kiss on the back of it.

Before a knock was heard, Minghao had already disappeared in the flames.

Amina was dumbfounded. Her eyes glanced at the ring and the fireplace, processing what happened. That was the time a blush crept up to her cheeks.

"Oh my fucking go-" Her whisper was interrupted with another knock.

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