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"Amina? Are you okay?" Joshua's voice brought her back to reality, she slightly ran towards the door after stumbling a bit.

"Joshua!" Amina opened the door for Joshua. This time, he dressed more comfortably.

"Sorry if It took too long" He entered her room after seeing Amina open the door for him.

"Amina, Would you like to go for a swim?" Joshua turned to look at her after asking.

"A swim? There's a pool here?" Amina asked.

"Yes" He replied. Amina momentarily glanced at the fireplace, the fire was gone.

"I didn't bring any swimwear" Amina frowned, she wanted a swim too.

"Oh! I brought this for you. Try them on!" Joshua handed a box.

Amina never thought he prepared for this in advance so she greatly appreciated it. She took it from him and opened it.

"You did not just buy me this." Amina stared at the two-piece fabric that was wrapped in gold wax paper.

"I did, It would look great on you" Joshua watched Amina take out the swimwear. It was minimal, but it had a good quality of fabric.

Nothing major really, just a RED, TWO-PIECE, swimwear that leaned on to the revealing side.

"Thank you so much" Amina smiled, she liked it anyway. If people were to spoil her like that, it would be kind of scary.

"I'll wear it, hold on" With the swimwear on hand, Amina rushed to get a bathrobe and ran straight to her bathroom.

Joshua laughed at her enthusiasm. After seeing her close her bathroom door, his expressions changed as he walked towards the fireplace with a look of wariness.

He eyed the burnt pieces of wood scattered near the fireplace like he knew what happened. He grabbed a water bottle and whispered.

"Sorry Hao, she'll be with me tonight" Joshua whispered as he poured the water at the empty fireplace.

It would be hard for him to enter her room with the damp wood on the fireplace. Amina wouldn't need it either since the weather was a bit warm.

Joshua left what he was doing in a blink of an eye. He watched with wide eyes as Amina walked out with only a bathrobe.

"Joshua?" Amina knew what that look meant, so she decided to provoke him even more. She walked towards him, knowing that every step loosened the tie around her waist.

He now had a slight view of his gift on Amina's body.

"Your eyes are glowing again, calm down, big boy" Amina winked and laughed as she rushed towards the door.

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