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"But I should return your enthusiasm right?" He slightly bent down to hold her waist down, before giving deep and swift thrusts.

Muffled words of profanities left Amina's lips as she felt the continuous repetition of his thrusts. She felt like coming but was stopped halfway.

"There's something you can't see yet" He whispered as he pulled her to bend down on the table facing away from him as he took her from behind.

A series of bone-cracking sounds echoed throughout the room. Jeonghan's familiar cold hand covered her eyes as she felt a feathery feeling embrace her.

A thud was heard behind her. Although he was still inside her, a series of mysterious sounds were heard as he groaned in pleasure.

The best feeling washed over her whole body as she shuddered in pleasure. She knew he also came when she heard his shaky breathing behind her.

His cold hands were still covering her eyes, and it took her that long to speak out.

"What are you?" A deep chuckle was heard before cracking sounds reverberated again.

"You'll know soon, honey" The same cracks were heard before he removed his hand.

Amina immediately turned around to see any changes from him but was only able to see his after-sex look. She wouldn't lie if she said she was excited to go for another round.

"I'm sorry, but is it okay to finish the painting? I want to keep it" Jeonghan kissed her forehead as he took a tissue to clean the mess he made on her lower body.

"It's fine, you were here for that anyway" She giggled. Jeonghan was watching her all the time so he hugged her and whispered in her ears.

"I want to go for more, but I want to show the painting to my friends so I can brag how amazing you are to them." Jeonghan slightly blushed as he gave her the clothes she was wearing.

"Really? Okay then!" Amina was surprised, but everything he does gives butterflies to her stomach.

After the small break, they decided to continue painting, the tension was calmer than before, until he spoke again.

"I've heard of a place....." Jeonghan said.

"Sorry?" She looked up, still surprised.

"A place perfect for you and your pent-up special needs..." He was still brushing through the canvas.

"I'll give you the address, they can give you everything you need as long as you follow the rules. I'll only see you there if you like that place." Jeonghan said as he placed his bushes down.

"You're done painting?" Amina asked in disbelief. She was aware of the offer and the thing he was referring to, but it was too good to be true.

"Yeah, come here," He said. When Amina saw the painting, she was flabbergasted.

"Amazing, can I keep it?" His piece looked exactly like her, she wanted to grab it and leave.

"Nope, I'm showing this to my friends who like painting as well. They lost interest nowadays since there was nothing good to paint.." He trailed before looking at her.

"Not until I saw you.... Don't forget my offer alright? You'll meet them there too if you agree" He winked as he twirled a portion of my hair. He shortly left after

[Can someone guess what creature Jeonghan is?]

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