Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Suspicious Friday Night)

Peter's Pov
We are doing Homework and it's 7:30! I am laying on my bed and she is sitting on my chair! She looks so beautiful... I have this weird feeling of her! She just makes me so happy! Sometimes I wonder if she thinks that way of me!
"Chippy? Whats the calculations of 33 in page 4?"
I ask. "Umm... I think it's 10,789, if I calculated we'll!" She answers. "Wait let me check! If you got it right I will frickin.... I don't know... hug you so hard" I say while calculating her answer! "Damn girl you got it right....Woo hooo!" I add while I walk towards her and I hug her SO tightly (But in a gentle way)! She giggles while hugging me! Her hugs feel so warm and cherish full! I stop hugging her and I return on the bed.

I continue my homework t'ill I have this weird spidey sense that something is falling from the bookshelf on top of y/n's head I yell " Y/N look out for-" Something stops me from talking when I realize that she catches the book that fell of the shelf even before I had told her! The thing is that she wasn't even looking at it! I got confused... "Uhh... Wow what a weird reflex huh?" She sais.... like something is up with her. "Ho-How did you catch that Y/N?" I asked in confused face.
"I don't know... I saw it fall, how did you see it?" She asks as a joke... "Spidey sense" I awnser as well. "Oh.. Yeah, let's forget about it chippy" she implies.
"hey!! I call you chippy not you.." I wine.
"Kids! Come downstairs for diner! We're eating pizza!" Bucky screams from the kitchen!
"Oh look we have to go eat" she sais as she drags me downstairs....

Eating Diner..
Tony sais "How was you guy's day?". "Good" me and y/n say as we seat next to each other at the kitchen counter!.....
Everybody seated at the kitchen counter!

(Chapter 6 will be little celebration they had that night) (Things are starting to spice up in Chapter 6) Hopes you liked it 😁

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