Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 (Love?)

⚠Might contain a 'Mental Breakdown scene', some Virtual Fighting!

Y/N POV.......

I am confused of what Nat wants to talk to me about. If its Peter, I am over him. COMPLETLY, because I don't wanna get hurt again, I have lost feelings for Peter, or at least thats what I want... Right?.

Knock Knock**

''Come in'' I tell Nat. ''Hey sweetie'' She sais as she opens the door. She sits on the bed next to me. She puts her arm around me. ''Listen, I know you are afraid of getting hurt by Peter again but He doesn't want to hurt you I prom-'' She says as I cut her down. ''I can't do this Nat.... It hurts me too much. Please just know that Peter would have apoligized by now if he even cared... He doesn't care.... Just leave it out. He doesn't want me'' I say as her eyes go down. Did I say something wrong?. Was they're something I said that made her sad? ''Okay..... Well.. We need to practice our mission so put your godamn suit on and meet us in the training room'' she sais, as she gets up from the bed and walks off. She looked dissapointed in me. She didn't even make eye contact, her eyes went down and followed the door... Did I do something wrong?

I go put my suit on and I go downstairs. Still wondering why Nat looked dissapointed in me. I enter the Training room and see Peter looking down like he is sad and the rest, look tired of something! But when they saw me, they all put on a smile for me! What is going on!

''Okay, we need to practice a mission'' tony sais. '' Oh ok'' I say confused. ''So what is the mission'' Peter asks confidentally. ''Umm- Oh actually I received a message from Nick fury.... He wants all the adults to meet in a separate room for a meeting'' he sais... He looked like he was lying because I did not see a notification on his phone pop up. '' Oh- okay''. ''Okay guys we have to go in the meeting room at the third stage of the tower.'' sais Nat. ''Ok'' everyone says.

Everyone goes upstairs and me and Peter are left alone in the training room.

''Hey'' he sais while he looks sad. I couldn't hesitate but to answer. '' Hey.... I have to g-'' I say as he interrupts me. "y/n! Don't do this! Please don't do this! You know you love me!" Peter sais As I realize.
"Yeah... Well you don't so it's okay Peter just leave me alone"! I implie as he asks. " WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF FACING ME Y/N!?!?" He yells gently and not disrespectfully. "... Why am I afraid to face you?" I repeat. I signed and go upstairs.... He follows me! I go outside even though it's raining HARD and I take a deep breath.... Peter comes outside with me. And he goes in the rain with me.....

Peter POV.....

(The avengers are looking at them from the window)

We are in the freezing rain and the clouds are grey.... I look at her... She is sad and mad...

Y/n suddenly says " Peter I have loved you since day one I have supported you since day one I have also Respected you since day one..... And you have always been my number one because you treated me better than I treated you! But since you got a girlfriend.... SHE was your number one and I was your second chance, SHE became the person you loved and SHE became the person you treated with respect and support.... till SHE was something fake.... She Betrayed you... I tried to warn you but you listen  to HER because you loved HER not me! It's pretty clear you don't care... Then YOU don't apologize for letting me go because I CLEARLY am a second chance to you! YOU dated her and Completely Erased me off your mind... You had sex with her.... you obviously were over me! YOU ignored ME and cried about your little girlfriend cheating which I tried warning you.... That doesn't look like you care to me. And that's why I can't pass by you I can't look at you because IT HURTS TO MUCH.... That's why I can't face you Peter.... Now leave me alone" She sais while my heart breaks in half... If she only knew how much I cared about her.... In the rain, she is standing in front of me crying her eyes out in her spider man suit

" The day I was crying, I was crying about YOU.... Because I missed you so much..... When I dated Betty All that was through my mind was YOU y/n.... I DIDINT HAVE SEX WITH HER BECAUSE IT DIDINT FEEL RIGHT..... Because I only thought of you.... When you told me she cheated!! I Didn't believe it because If I wasn't with her...... I would of been stuck thinking about you... and stuck NEEDING to admit I loved you... Which I didint want because I felt like I wasn't good enough! I CRIED FOR DAYS BECAUSE OF YOU Y/N .... You.... And I didn't apologize because at this point you didn't care.... I tried my BEST to get back to you but you didn't want ME.... so I thought that you didn't love me anymore. Which I was right... you don't. But I'm going to admit to you one thing tho... I do... I LOVE YOU.... Okay... I love you y/n" I say while crying and soaked because of the rain!! I felt like I was at the point of losing her.

Y/N POV......

His words broke my heart when while the rain is pooring....It's a miss understanding.... I don't want to admit I love him! Because what if these misunderstandings happen again!?!?.... But deep down, I knew I loved him.
" I lost feelings for you Peter" I say while sobbing.

Peter POV.......

Those words crushed me.... I felt like dying! How could she say such a thing??? I am really gonna lose her! She turns around and I am talking to her back.
"Fine! If I don't matter to you then what is my purpose in this world??? To wait for you to come to me????BUT YOU WILL EVER BECAUSE YOU DON'T  LOVE ME.:...... Then I don't have a purpose! What is my place in this world y/n...... If I really don't matter to you than I'm leaving.... and I will leave and You will never see me again." I say while crying...

Y/N POV......
No I can't loose him NO.......
" NO DONT GO PLEASE! Please" I beg while I turn around facing him.... he is dissapointed and is about to leave.... I CANNOT LOOSE HIM.... I can't hold it anymore so I Run up to him and hug him.....

Peter POV......
I am about to leave t'ill She runs towards and She Hugs me tight! I feel her touch on me... She is gripping to my suit and it's like she is holding her life in her hands! I hug her back tightly! My Hands are gripping her suit and we are both sobbing our eyes out. I miss this. I don't want to lose her. I CANT LOOSE HER. Suddenly, she stops hugging me. "I'M SO SORRY! I LOVE YOU PLEASE DONT GO" she screams over the loud rain as she cries.... I couldn't hold it anymore. 

Y/N POV......
I apologize while hugging him close and tightly because I DO NOT want to lose him again! but suddenly he lifts up my head and as fast as I knew it  I feel his tender lips on mine. It's was a slow passionate kiss with his soft lips touching mine. We stop kissing as I look up in his eyes! "I love you y/n and I don't ever want to lose you EVER AGAIN.... We Never fight Chippy" he says while locking eyes in his beautiful brown eyes! I missed him calling me Chippy. We are soaked of water but at this point! I do not care..... All I care about is him..... I love him. I want him. I need him......

Peter POV.......
I am staring into her beautiful eyes..... I suddenly feel her wrapping her legs around my waist. Holding her tightly I say "You are my everything y/n" I kiss her again.... But this time it's passionate and feels like a dream! I love her..... She jumps off me without breaking the kiss and I put my hands around her neck and I kiss her like I need her! Her lips are soft.... And It's all I need....

(Finally a good sleep tonight!!) Part 26 coming TODAY!!!

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