Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 (She was right part 1) 

Peter POV....

We are playing the show off competition and to be honest y/n doesn't look happy with me. It breaks my heart for some reason. I don't know if the both of us will ever be the way we were before. We make these small eye contacts. And It gives me chills everytime, it's like we sucked the love out of our relationship. 

I show off my skills and she doesn't look much stuned by me because she can do the exact same thing as me! I think bruce was right, we should've been together as a group but somehow she didn't want to. Maybe she isin't attached to me like she was before. Maybe it's because I have been a jerk to her. Maybe i'm the problem.

That night! I went to bed miserable. Tired and also confused. I had all the thought gahtering around my head and I didn't know if it was mutural as if I could go to sleep or if I should stay up and worry about them and think them through. But I passed out completely, since it was late that night. And I woke up a mess. A complete mess. It was 7:30 am and it's a school day and I need to get ready but I don't feel like it... My stomach hurts and I just want to die of inside pain i'm having! The hole situation with me and y/n is probably doing this to me. So I text Tony to let him know that I won't go to school today.

 So I text Tony to let him know that I won't go to school today

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I felt greatfull for Tony's understandings... I layed in bed... Thinking, getting through the pain, thinking about Betty, thinking about y/n.....

It's now 8:30 am and I decide to text Betty to let her know why I am not at school.

I found It weird for Betty to not awnser and it has been about 30 minutes and she has still not answerd

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I found It weird for Betty to not awnser and it has been about 30 minutes and she has still not answerd.. I hope everything is fine. Suddenly, I think of y/n, and my stomach start to hurt more. I don't know the problem, I don't understand why I am deeply sick from the inside because of Y/N. What does she do to drive me crazy like this???

I walk downstairs to eat since I haven't eaten yet! I am In Pijama's and I look horrible. I see Cap and Wanda at the table and I wave at them while rubbing my eyes. ''Tony, told us you weren't going to school today... What happend kido?'' Wanda sais, like she already knows something, which doesen't suprise me... She probably has read my mind!'' Oh. I just feel terrible, I have so much on my mind that I need to settle.. I am mentally unstabled'' I say, pretty sure of what I am saying. '' It's okay, it happens to everyone kid... What's on your mind'' Cap asks. ''Oh, umm I guess where I stand in my relationship... And hating myself for letting someone important to me go'' I throw out of my mouth without thinking. Cap and Wanda look at eachother knowing what I ment. 

''What ever'' I go back upstairs and jump to bed and go to sleep. 

(Posting TONIGHT part 2)

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