Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 (Party Night)

(This will Turn into the group conversation mode)

We are eating our pizza's
Peter: this is so good
Bruce: Yeah I haven't eat-in this much since like Christmas
Thor: Yeah
Bucky: Let's okay truth or dare!
Cap: You're such a child
Bucky: come on the kids old enough! We have been dreaming of this moment since forever
Tony: Sure why not
Cap: I guess
Nat: Yesss
Wanda: I cant wait to read your mind and see if your lying
Y/n: You better not
Everyone: laughs*
Bucky: I'll start... Truth or dare, Tony
Tony: Ughh... Why me?
Cap: Come on Stark
Tony: Fine truth
Bucky: Do you ship peter and y/n
Y/n: What!?!
Peter: that's so random
Tony: Well I guess you guys are better off as bestfriends... I want Peter to concentrate on his missions
Bucky : bOrInG!!
Tony: that's my awnser!
Y/n: that's not even a question, me and y/n are bestfriends... let's not start okey?
Bruce: Whatever
Bucky: laughs*

To be honest that kind of hurt my feelings... I don't want Tony to think that I'm a distraction from Peter! I love peter and IF we would ever end up together... I don't want Tony to be in our way... Although I love Tony... I still don't think this is right!

Peter looks at me and smiles in a goofy way... which everyone saw! It was kind of funny
Nat: Awww
Bucky: LovyBirds!!! Okay.... Nat your turn
Nat: Truth or dare Y\N
Y/N: Umm Truth I guess
Bucky: That's all you got kid
Y/N : Oh shut up Bucky *I laugh*
Nat: Have you and Peter EVER snucked out
Y/N: *I look at Peter In a (Help me) way*
Peter: Should we?
Y/N: I guess
Peter: Yeah we have! IT WAS ONCE! For a Party Flash hosted
Everyone: *Gasps*
Y/N: Yeah but nothing happened
Wanda: *Read my mind and Mumbles* yeah right
Tony: What did she say?
Wanda: What oh I said.. god damn it right!
Bucky: Bullshit
Peter: Anyways.....

3 hours Later... Everyone had went to the training room just to show off skills and my and Peter stayed upstairs...
"Finally, Their gOnE!" He sais, in a sleepy voice
"Shall we cuddle?" I ask in a joking British accent of some sort! "Of course Ma lady" he jokes back...
We sat on the couch and Cuddled... I laid on his chest and he was scrolling through Instagram..

Thirty minutes later.. We both fell asleep!
They all care upstairs and saw us cuddling... "They're to adorable for bestfriends" Nat said. "Haha" sais Bucky while taking a picture of them! "Bucky!!" Said Cap! Everyone Laughed quietly to not wake us up!
They went to sleep and we both slept on the couch that night!

(Chapter 7 Coming tomorrow! Hope you had fun)! (We're slowly Progressing trough the story 🥰)

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