Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 (She was right Part 2)

Y/n POV......

I'm at school and I don't why but Peter doesn't seem to be fine! He hasen't came to school today, which made me curious of what the problem was that would make him sick. I had came to a conclusion that I wasen't going to interfere with Peter anymore because I don't want to interupt his relationship. I'm going to avoid him because it hurts too much to face him and to live with him! I don't like him much anymore because of what he has done but a part of me tells me that he has the right to care about his girlfriend. I love him but I can't admit it deep down because I have deep feelings for him. I haven't talked to him since the day we got that fight which was 4 weeks ago. It hurts too much at this point.

Today  is musical day at school so I dressed up comfy to be able to dance and rehearse a musical. I walk up to my musical class and I sit on a bench. I listen to my teacher explainign the rules of the musical and what we are going to rehease. It was pretty fun to do. So It kept my mind off of Peter a bit. 


It's now three hours later and i'm tired from the dancing. One time my back pack fell and we almost saw my suit hanging from the botton of the bag, which I hid pretty quickly. ''M. Anderston, can I go to the bathroom?'' I ask. ''Of course'' M.Anderston sais. I walk up to the bathroom and do my thing. My stomach hurt a lot from the dancing! And I was pretty happy that I hadn't thought of Peter a lot. 

I get out of the stall to go wash mt hands and I take an instagram picture.

It got a lot of likes and I saw that Peter had liked it! I decide to get back to class and as I walk back to class I see a couple making out

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It got a lot of likes and I saw that Peter had liked it! I decide to get back to class and as I walk back to class I see a couple making out... It's discusting- something stops me from walking when I realize that I recognize the girl that is making out with him. ITS BETTY! She can't do this right now! Peter risked his relationship with me for her and that's how she treats him... I could'nt help but to film it and capture it onto my camera roll for proof! I knew that proof wasen't going to change anything but at least it's proof. I took a video of it and quicly got back to class. 

I couldn't believe she cheated it! And it wasn't forced either! I went on my phone and searched up Jacobs Nathen to see what he looked like and see if if that was the guy she was making out with. If it's him, it would make so much sense... She would really be dating peter to make Jacobs jealous. I search up and I stalk his instagram.

IT WAS HIM!?!?!? Betty was obviously drooling over the picture

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IT WAS HIM!?!?!? Betty was obviously drooling over the picture. She has been lying to Peter and I have proof now! I won't tell Peter, I wan't him to find out himself. 


After school, I was in the halls before I went home... I decided to publish the proof of Betty cheating on him! Peter deserves the truth! He will finally know I wasen't joking..... He is an ass for what he did. 

I went home.... 

Thirty minutes later.


Peter's POV.............

I woke up to my phone blowing up with notifications. I was confused, and kind of scared of what it could be! I turn on my phone and see this. 

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Wait who cheated?? Why am I blowing up with notifications

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Wait who cheated?? Why am I blowing up with notifications.... I Open my phone and I see this tweet, saying....

BETTY CHEATED!?!?! My heart breaks in half! What is this, how

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BETTY CHEATED!?!?! My heart breaks in half! What is this, how.... How could I have not seen it before.... I loved her and she did that to me! It has gone viral and everyone knows now! I wanna cry... This is heart breaking news to wake up too.... Betty used me to make some guy named Jacobs Nathan jealous.....

I see a message from Betty poping up on my phone!

I see a message from Betty poping up on my phone!

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I imeditatley blocked her.... I can't believe she did that, she treated me like shit and this is hurtful to experience... She is a bitch.... I want to die I want to cry especially on y/n's shoulder. Y/N.... She warned me and I pushed her away for some stupid bitch, shit I messed up... She was right!! She will never forgive me! I am some stupid clueless jerk..... I hate it! I hate my life.....

(Part 20 coming soon! ) I am sorry for the swearing and the the photo'S I used for the images as examples! Hope your having an amazing night|Morning|Day idk anymore its 3AM....! 

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