Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 (Secret revealed) 

Two weeks later.... Me and Peter have gotten much more closer, to be honest I keep on thinking that maybe in some sort of way, I would have feelings for him, but I dont wanna mess up my friendship with him and I am sure he doesn't feel like that about me. I have also been a lot more suspicious with my (Spider Girl) secret that me and Nat have been keeping from everyone, I hope Peter doesn't suspect something! But the thing is that Peter has been a little to clinged to his phone recently and I don't know why?

I'm wearing sweatpants and a tank top, it's a beautiful day today. And I took an instagram picture and posted it...

It had a lot of likes and I felt pretty good about myself! I Had gotten a lot more mentally better since my senior exams we're finished

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It had a lot of likes and I felt pretty good about myself! I Had gotten a lot more mentally better since my senior exams we're finished. But the only thing that was on my mind recently was mostly Peter... I think at this point I can agree that I like him, but it hurts to think that this could siriously dammage our friendship! And he has been clingy to his phone recently and smiling at it... Maybe he met someone? I really hope not, this could more dammage our friendship. I have been training a lot and honestly, my muscles hurts. 

Suddenly, I get a text from the group chat. I open it to see what's going on! 

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I wasen't annoyed by Peter I was just tired of hiding the secret of being Spider girl, And I felt like I was ready to do a mission, I didint want to worry about the people I loved while stayinh home anymore, I want to go with them and I want to make sure they're okay! Maybe its time to tell Peter?

While Peter was making his way to my room, I decided to go ahead and ask Nat If I could at least tell Peter.

While Peter was making his way to my room, I decided to go ahead and ask Nat If I could at least tell Peter

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I was honestly, shocked.... I can finally tell Peter! I have been waiting for this momment for a long time. I hope he reacts the way I want... A knock on my door interups my thoughts.. ''Come in'' I say while the door was already opening... '' Hey y/n, whats the problem? Why were you annoyed at me?...'' he asks, very confused. ''Umm, i'm not annoyed by you, honestly two seconds I was really exhausted of something and now im not because I finally got the allowness to tell you something i've been keeping from you for a long time now!'' I say confidently. ''Oh okay? But I thought we never kept things from eachother?'' He implies but he looked kind of, ashamed of something aswell, which made me confused. ''Yeah! But this is a secret that Nat told me not to tell for I guess a good reason!'' I applie. ''Okay! so..... What is it?'' he sais while sitting next to me on my bed! ''Uhh this will sound very weird to say... Actually I dont know how to keep it, but..... I should just say it... I-... I'm Spider girl.... Or whatever you call it...'' I say very anxiously.

 My hearts stops at the momment, because I sound probably crazy to him right now! The micro seconds pass before he awnsers....

''Funny joke... Now what is it?'' He laughs out loud... ''No i'm... i'm not joking.. I have found out about 6 months ago that I had gotten the same thing as you... the same powers litterly EVERYHTING you have'' I say anxiously. ''Wait really? This is- AMAZING... You-... You're joking? This is like, the thing I have been wanting my hole life y/n... This could be our thing-.... Wait, I'd like proof! Walk on the ceiling or something..'' He Implies but Very tricky and Needy... ''Uhh- Okey????'' I say while getting up from the bed and leaning towards the wall, putting my fingers and feet on the wall, walking like a spider two the ceiling... This was a bit embarassing to watch but... As fast as I know it, I was on the ceiling, sitting in the position of a spider. Peter's Jaw drapped as soon as he saw me.... It was like looking at an alien...

He did nothing but just stare at me... Suddenly, he stands up and crawls on the ceiling to join me... He looked like he knew what he was doing, but I just stared at him crawling, waiting for him to tell me what he is doing. He finally joins me... And stares at me, then himself, then me, them himself.... I looked at him in the eyes as he did the same. As fast as I knew it........

(Chapter 8 coming soon!) To be continued....

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