Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 (Unforgivable but still Begging) Small Chapter! But a lot of paragraph....

Peter POV............

Y/n doesn't seem forgivable at the moment! I can't apologize to her she won't give a shit either way. I have broken her and she has done the same to me! I seriously don't think I can last another minute without seeing her! I am unforgivable now. I have been crying and thinking of her! I haven't been thinking of Betty at all, I really have gotten through that phase... I love y/n, Yes I have been taking the days off to admit that love her. But Admitting isn't going to do anything to her because she isn't willing to forgive me begging on my knees. I'll try to talk to her at least. To see her and feel her touch I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THAT AGAIN.

I walk up to her room with tears in my eyes as I am weak... Very weak. I knock on the door and hear her beautiful voice say ''Come in!''. I open the door looking like I have been crying for the last week. Which is probably it. As I walk in, her eyes open wide with tears flowing down her cheek. ''Peter, Please get out'' she says. ''I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything'' I say. ''Peter, it hurts to see you, I love-.... Just get out'' she interrupts herself. ''Y/n, Please! PLEASE just let me explain'' I say while begging and sobbing my eyes. She gets close to me. She puts her hands on my cheeks which calms me down. I look at her in the eyes while she says. '' Peter, I can't do this... Not after wasting my time waiting for your apologies and waiting for your beggings. I can't do this anymore, I can't just be your second choice when some girlfriend leaves you. I will not waste my time loving someone that doesn't care... It hurts to say this but, I don't care anymore, Im to weak'' She says in a calm voice while she cries and pushes me slowly out of her room.

But before she closes the door- ''I will do anything it takes to get back to you y/n'' I say while walking out. Crying.....
I get in my room and I sit on the bed crying and thinking! I can't convince someone to love me! But I also can't lose her!
I love her! I can't lose her... Even how painful it is to try and keep her I WILL NOT GIVE HER UP!  Not today, not ever!

Hope you liked the small Chapter! Chapter 23 coming soon ;) Get ready for it 

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