Chapter 15

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Chapter 15  (Mission's of the unamed relation) 

I go upstairs to get changed. Peter wasn't much on my mind at the moment because I still can't believe I will be on my fisrt mission, Nat was pretty excited for me and so as the Avengers! Before I put on my suit I decide to make an Instagram story with the caption....

 Peter wasn't much  on my mind at the moment because I still can't believe I will be on my fisrt mission, Nat was pretty excited for me and so as the Avengers! Before I put on my suit I decide to make an Instagram story with the caption

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I hated her comment... She is brain washing Peter into thinking she is like... a princess or something! I just wish Peter would understand, he is a jerk for what he did. If he doesn't come now for apologies, I won't be very much forgiving later . 

I stopped messing around and I decided to put on my suit and prepare myself for the mission. I did a little workout and push ups to be pumped up. It was finally time that everyone would meet up down stairs for the mission. I walk downstairs to everyone gathered around the table waiting for a few more people. ''Hey guys'' I say.... Their Jaw drops while i'm confused. T'ill I realized it was their first time seing me in the spider girl suit. ''What-...Oh yeah.... I love it'' I implie. ''It suits you very well'' Tony says. Everyone agrees!

''Hey guys'' sais Peter, coming down the stairs behind me... Somehow I saw his jaw drop as well but he didn't try showing it much... Which, I obviously cought on his face. ''hey'' I say to him, as he ignores it in a respectfull way. ''Okay we're leaving soon but first we want to gather up the teams'' Cap says. Oh great! They are deffinetly putting me with Peter. ''Wanda and Bruce together to save half the group that will be on Queens street when it's on my Que, Peter and Y/n with Thor, you guy's will be behind the rest of us... Which means, Bucky, Me, Tony, Nat. Is that understood?'' Cap sais. ''Yess!!'' everyone implie. I'm kind of happy that Thor is coming, at least he wont be letting me and Peter alone, it would be awkward. 


We are now at the area we are set to do the mission on! It's technicaly trying to stop this man that wants his family back, from killing everyone in the area.. So we have to start teaming up now. Which again, brought to my attention that I would have to be with Peter... gReAt. ''Okay Kids, follow the hammer guy'' sais Thor as we did what he said to do. I realized that when me and Peter joined the team, we looked at eachother in this very 'I don't know where we stand in our relationship' way. He just followed Thor and did his job as I did mine...

One hour later....

I see this big giant metal container being throwed in the air directly at Peter, which peter did not seem to notice at all. It scared me so I ran up the building and I swang and threw web's at the metal container but my web's didn't attach well so the container was gonna fall on Peter either way. ''Peter watch out'' I scream!

 He has the time to move a side but the container falls on his leg. That scared me , I didn't want him hurt so I got down the building and I tried helping him ''Peter, Let me help you'' I say. ''No it's fine I can do it myself'' he sais as he isin't even trying to make eye contact with me. He was firious. He doesn't even want my help. Not even from his own Best friend, or if I should call him that anymore. I am looking at him, helping himself get up... Not even making eye contact with me. 

It's a mix of feelings. We now Have an Unamed Relation.

(Part 16 coming tonight!!!!) 

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