Chapter 26

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Chapter 26..... Last chapter ( Web lovers)

Continuing the story...

Y/n POV.............

We stop kissing, over the rain, soaked of rain.... '' I love you '' I whisper in his ear. I love him....

We are head to head....T'ill we both get a spidey sens from this noise from the back of the tower... We turn and look ahead... We are both in our spidey suits. Suddenly we hear this gun shot. It hit the building.

We both put our masks on. ''Stay behind me'' he says. ''Peter, I have the same streight as you'' I implie. ''Yes I just want you safe, I can also not lose you physically baby'' he says. Aww he called me baby. But now is not the time to worry about that. I turn a side and we are both in the position of a spider. Another gun shot shoots but this time it travels next to Peter. ''WATCH OUT'' I say as I push Peter a side. I think I saved him? '' are you okay?'' I ask... ''MHmmm mm'' He nods and answers. As I look down. I see that he is bleeding. NO NO this can not be happening. ''Peter, you are bleeding'' I say. I put some pressure on it. '' BABY please dont leave me...... Peter What happend'' I ask.

'' I think it just passed my skin.. My skin is ripped. Don't worry the bullet didn't pass through my chest'' he sais, like he is OkAy....

'' NO no Peter... still I dont care, you still got hurt'' I say as a tear flows down my cheek. He rubs his thumbs on my cheeks gently while wiping off my tears. '' I am here. It's okay...'' he sais as he breathes heavily. '' you saved me, it's okay'' he says.

Suddenly.. we hear the avengers joining outside while running. They saw everything didn't they? Even the hole crying scene... ''Peter... ARE YOU OKAY'' Tony screams in the rain... He looked worried and the others as well. ''Mhmm, yeah, im okay... It didn't pass my chest. y/n saved me'' Peter says as he is bleeding... Tony takes place for me and I step a side....

Cap and Tony lift up Peter and drag him in the emergency local in the tower. I just stand their crying, next to Nat. Nat tries comforting me.

''So, you and peter, we saw the hole thing...'' She says. ''Yeah, we are good.. but I worry of peter at the momment'' I say. ''He will be okay, Trust me.... Peter has been through worst and you know that'' Nat implies. ''Yeah but if I would've had been faster I could've saved him'' I say.. She looks at me and she says ''Yeah but if you would've been slower he would've died'' she says, which made me realize she was right. I can't blame this on me.... But it still hurts to know that Peter will suffercate tonight. But he can also self heal much more faster... ''He will be okay by tonight right'' I ask.. '' Of course he will, he is spider man'' bucky says.


Its 9:00 pm and it has been two hours since he got shot. I am in sweatpants and a purple hoodie, extremely comfy because it's friday night.. I recieve a message from someone..

I look, and I realize it's Peter!

I look, and I realize it's Peter!

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He is adorable and so sweet. I am excited to see him!

I run downstairs in the kitchen... I stop when I see him in grey sweatpants and a Pink hoodie. Standing up waiting for me. Everyone is around the kitchen island . I walk over to him.

''Hey Chippy'' he says. It gave me butterflies. He was so cute. '' Hey'' I say as I hug him. He hugs me, resting his head on top of my head, wrapping his arms around my uper body.....

''Aww, look at the Web lovers'' says bucky. Everyone laughs and say aww.... I have to agree, we are pretty cute. Everyone is around the kitchen island but like me and Peter are in front of the kitchen island..... Without anyone watching. He holds my hands and kisses me in a passionate pec. Then says '' I love you''. ''I love you too baby'' I awnser.












THE END.....

A message to all my readers. Espacially... , @melotaba22, @trinichar02 for supporting my account... This has been amazing and also very sad to let go now. But I have amazing news to announce you that THERE WILL BE A WEB LOVERS 2.... Out soon this week. Once again! Thank you for your support.

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