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"Who's Vox?"

The purple moth looked at the deer in astonishment. In all his years he would've never expected the Radio host to forget or not know his rival. Unless this was a joke
"Al he's your rival you've known him ever since you got to hell and became an overlord." Valentino said, but the deer could only give a shake if the head.
"No I don't think I recall a fellow like that. I think you're still confused after all you just woke up from a coma." The radio host said.
Valentino looked at Alastor for a few minutes still stuck and confused that he didn't. Know who Vox was. It was like the existence of the tv demon didn't exist and to Valentino that was the most heart breaking thing. He loved vox so much that he killed himself to be with him. That demon was everything to him and now he was gone no trace nothing at all.
After a while Alastor looked at angle with his iconic grin. He signaled angle to come closer to him. When he was close enough he whispered into the arachnids ear (more like floof)
"I think this has gone on long enough don't you think my dear." The deer said in a low raspy voice. Angle nodded his head becoming very flustered at the tone of the radio hosts voice.
"Why don't you go get our guest and bring him here. Then maybe you'll get something my dear Angel." The arachnid blushed heavily as he moved away from the radio host. He wanted al to take him right now (0///0) but he knew it was best if he got 'him' right now and so he left the room.
After angle left Alastor walked towards the moth who was in bed. He felt bad for him for once in his damned life. He never thought he would feel so bad for another demon, but alas here we are. As he approached the bed Valentino sighed and looked at Alastor once more. He studied his ears and the way they twitched, he studied everything about him. To the point where he compared him to his vox.
"Al, how do you do it. How do you overcome everything that has come after you?" The moth asked.
"I...I keep on smiling even when I feel sad or overwhelmed. I keep it inside and tell myself that it'll all be ok. I'm never fully dressed without a smile and I'll keep it that way." The radio host chuckled a bit towards the end his voice laced in softness yet firmness.
"You keep it in while I let mine out. Though I mostly consume alcohol, but I've stopped for well you know who." Alastor nodded and firmly put his hand on the moths shoulder.
"There's someone who's been waiting to see you Valentino he's been wanting to talk to you for so long and it's important." As the deer said that the door suddenly opened.
At the entrance of the room stood a demon who was about the same height as angle but short and dressed in a suit. Valentino saw him and was just frozen he couldn't move no matter how hard he tried till eventually he jumped up for his bed and reached for the figure who looked like his vox. He grasped on to him and slowly pulled the both of them down.

"Is it really you..


Stay tuned....

Hello my darlings I'm back with another chapter of this book. I hope you've enjoyed and loved this chapter. And I'll see you next time by darlings

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