The past

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"Val, I want to know more about you and your past." Vox said having plead in his voice.
Vox grabbed Valentino and dragged him downstairs to talk. Once they were in the parlor Vox looked at Valentino. They both just stared at each other saying nothing.
"Val, I want you to know that whatever you did is in the past and I will be here no matter what." He said. There was no answer from Valentino none at all.
Valentino stood up and tried to walk out when a red demon pushed him back to where he was originally.
"Val, you can't keep running from your past. Just tell him. If you do I'll tell mine." Alastor said with a hint of reassurance.
"Fine, Al..." Valentino responded looking down at the ground.
At first it was silence. No one talked. They were waiting for Valentino to start. Then a sigh came from Valentino. Even though he didn't want to do this he had. He knew Vox had to know.
"I was a mafia boss. I would fight and deal for drugs, money, power, anything really. I was powerful and I loved it till the accident happened..."
Valentino paused for a bit. Soon he continued. "
It was a warm day and I was in my office. I was just goofing off, till I heard something. It sounded like laughter and someone choking in something. Soon enough I caught up to the sound. When I get there I see a girl on the ground dead and cold. The girl was my sister and I knew it was my fault that she died. I should've been there to protect her but time ran out. Soon after I look up to see this bastard." Vox said as he pointed to Alastor.
"Hey! How was I supposed to know she was your sister. I was just a serial killer, I didn't know. " Alastor said in his defense.
Valentino punched Alastor in the arm lightly and hugged him. A rare sight to see really.
"Back to the story. Al here just smiled and I couldn't take it. I ran at him, but I wasn't fast enough. He shot me in the chest then in the head. Everything was black till I woke up in this fiery pit. Soon enough I made my dominance and me the king himself Lucifer. Now before I did, I was a player. I dated demons and even dated the king. Though that didn't work out as planned and now I'm here with you Vox." As he finished Vox was just silence.
Valentino looked at him and thought he wouldn't like him, but before you knew it Vox was hugging him. It felt comforting to Valentino and wrapped all four of his arms around the demon. All he needed was someone to be there for him and there was. Vox was his drug. A drug he would desire for his life. That he wouldn't stop taking.

"Vox..I-I never mind..."

"Time reveals the truth."

Stay tuned........

Hello darlings!
It's me again and I hope you loved this chapter. I also hope your doing great and having a good day if not here's some of my love 💖💖💖💖💖
Till next time bye darlings~

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