Past regrets

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    Vox stared at the cassette tape and saw Alastors name on it. He couldn't believe that Alastor wrote and sung this. This song was amazing and full of so many emotions, but he couldn't show it to Alastor not yet. He wasn't sure if it was fear holding him back or just curiosity. Well whatever it is he just kept it to himself.
Later on they exited the station and moved on to the little town up ahead. There they ate lunch and conversed in an interesting topic. This topic consisted of mafias and the stock market crash. On how Alastor made it this far and escaped it all well almost all, but this wasn't such an up lifting conversation. It brought regrets and horrible memories to Alastor.
Alastor himself was holding up quite nicely you could say. The mask he wore never faltered not even once when they talked about the topic That involved his crimes and the Mafia. Except for one question that Vox asked. That Alastor wished he never asked.
"Al, What is your motive here in this serial killing act. I know you've put on a mask so don't bother waving it off. Tell me." Box said in a serious tone. It was like he wanted something for mom Alastor and Alastor didn't know what.
"My motive, well do I really need a motive to kill?" Alastor laughed trying to shake off the conversation, but Vox wasn't having any of it.
"Alastor tell me right now." Vox said as he slammed his hand on the table. Losing his composure.
"It was my parents...." he mumbled almost incoherently that even Vox couldn't understand.
"What?" Vox asked again. Only to make the once the radio host shout.
"It was my Parents Dammit!" Alastor yelled. He didn't want to talk about his motives of killing or of his cannibalism. He didn't even want to converse at this point but Vox persisted and now he was stuck just like that.
"You're parents huh and dose that also motive your cannibalism?" Vox asked pushing the deer. To his limits.
"My dear, I'd rather not talk about this right now. I think it's time we head back to hell don't you think." Alastor said quickly not letting Vox gain the upper hand in the conversation.
Alastor stood up quickly whisking his coat around him and walked out of the parlor. All he wanted to do was get back to the hotel and live his damned life again, but he knew Vox would asked him questions still and there was no escaping that, but for rig it now Alastor wanted to rest and be alone with his sweetheart.

If only his wishes were granted.....

Stay tuned....

Hey darlings it's been a while and I'm back to updating this book. Man I'm just bad at updating aren't I well I hoped you intrigued by this chapter as it will be coming to an end soon but not too soon. I'll keep you in suspense and possibly leave you on a cliffhanger.
Tills next time bye darlings~

Meme of the day

Meme of the day

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