Running out

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It's like they corrupted time...

But In reality they ran out of time...

Time had ran out and now it was extermination day. A day where the angels of heaven would kill the demons of hell, no matter who it was as long as it wasn't Lucifer himself.
Alastor was dreading for this day to come, but luckily he came prepared. He didn't want to let anyone to get hurt and if that means using all the power he has then so be it. Though that's not all he thought about. Alastor was thinking about strategies and tactics to take the angels down and he knew that everyone in the hotel would want to join in too, but he had to figure out a way for them to, so he called upon a few friends of his.
"Hello, my dear. I'm afraid I'm in need of you assistance. It's that day again.." Alastor said lacing his words with a sweet tone. Though In all honesty he was being dead serious.
"Ah it is that day isn't Al. Well I'll see what I can do. Meet you in 20." The voice said as the phone went dead. Alastor could only think about his plan and his lover. He didn't want to get anyone hurt and he won't.
Meanwhile Vox could tell Alastor was in a mood or mode, but he really couldn't tell. For a while he watched as the radio demon paced back and forth muttering something under his breath. He was so focused on the demon that he didn't notice the one sneaking up behind him.
"You're not cheating on me are you sweetheart?" Valentino asked lacing his voice with a fake sadness. Vox jumped a bit and couldn't help, but roll his eyes at his lover.
"Of course not, my dear. I'm nearly admiring." Vox said with a bit of sarcasm, but truth. He wanted to play with Valentino and say he was, but he knew that would just make him jealous.
While both of the demons were distracted Alastor stepped out in search for his lover. He wanted to hold Angel and kiss him and do all kinds of things to him, but they had so little time. Disregarding his thoughts of the arachnid. Alastor began looking for him, but had a hunch where he would be.
After a while of searching Alastor found Angel in the garden under a tree. He looked so fragile and delicate, but he noticed that his Angel was crying.
"Darling, what's wrong?" Alastor asked pulling Angel into a soft embrace.
"Al, I know you want to protect us, but I don't want you to get hurt or even worse die. I guess I'm just...I'm just scared that you won't come back." Angel stuttered as he finished. He didn't want Alastor to think he was weak or selfish, but this is the love of his life and his partner. He wouldn't want to lose him to some virgin angel.
Alastor smiled softly at Angels words and kissed him softly. He knew his lover meant well and he wouldn't want to lose him either. So he decided that if they go down they go together.
"Alright it's decided we're doing this together darling." Angel smiled at Alastor and hugged him tightly.
"Then let's go take down some angles Bambi." Angel teased his lover. Alastor turned a light shade of pink out of embarrassment.
Meanwhile Vox and Valentino were having their little moment. Except it was in the parlor.
Vox sighed in his hand looking at the fire as it cracked. He wish extermination day didn't exist, but apparently those in heaven really hate those down in hell and there was no stopping it. Vox being in his little world didn't notice the two arms being wrapped around him. Until he felt himself being pulled into a warm embrace.
"Sweetheart, don't think about it too much." Valentino said in a quiet voice. He knew box was stressed and overthinking this whole thing, but he had to keep him distracted for the meantime.
"It kind of hard to not think about it Val. I just wish they didn't do this every year and to top it off I'm so worried I'll lose you,and everyone else." Valentino could only tighten his hold on Vox and whisper calming and sweet words to him. He also didn't want to lose him. He loved him for god sake and would do anything to protect him, but he needs me so if I go then he's going to. They're going together no matter what.
"Vox if we go down, we're going together ok. I don't want to see you hurt and I don't want to lose you. I'll do everything I can to protect you cause I love you so so much." Vox looked at his lover and smashed their lips together passionately. He always wanted to hear Val say that and now that he did it was like all the worries he had just faded away.
"I love you too my dear." Vox said kissing Valentino once more and the two stayed like that for a little while not worrying about anything at all.

Only in a matter of time

Until all hell breaks lose

And until the sinners clash with the saints

Then time will truly



Stay tuned......

Hello darlings it's like almost 3 in the morning and I couldn't help, but write the next chapter so here it is. I hope you enjoy and loved it. I can't wait to write the next.
As always till next time bye darlings ~💖💖💖

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