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   "Everything can change in just one day..."

Vox eyed the clock, counting down the minutes before he had to go meet Alastor and his "friend". He liked the company of Alastor, especially when he got a bit too tipsy. Today, however, Vox didn't know who was accompanying Alastor.

"It's probably Lucifer again, or Angel. Who knows?" Vox said in a dreadful voice. He had a good guess who Alastor might be bringing but didn't want to bother to ask him. Little did he know this "friend" was soon going to be an eye opener.

   Later in the day, Vox left his place to go meet up with Alastor. He walked down the street lined with little shops, till he saw the red deer.  He walked over to Alastor  and expected to see Angel, but instead saw a demon who wore a coat trimmed with fluffy zebra stripes.

"Darling, glad you could make it. This is Valentino." As Alastor said this Vox stared at the demon in front of him. Valentino met his gaze, his eyes unwavering. Alastor cleared his voice, breaking the tension between the two.

"O-oh right," he sputtered, regaining his bearings. "I'm Vox, it's a pleasure to meet you." He awkwardly stuck out his hand for Valentino to shake.

"Same to you babe," Valentino responded with a sly grin and a cocky wink. Vox couldn't help the faint blush that dusted his cheeks in response to the demon's pet name for him.

Meanwhile, Alastor was in the background chuckling to himself, enjoying the scene that unfurled in front of him.

"Hey Al, what are you doing here?" An all too familiar voice called out from behind him. Alastor spun around, meeting Angel's starry eyes.

"D-darling, my you look lovely tonight," he said breathlessly. Alastor couldn't help but drool over Angel and how he looked. While he was drooling over his boyfriend, Angel himself decided to do something cocky.

"Thanks babe," he spoke, his words laced in sultry tone. He kissed Alastor passionately. Alastor was taken aback by this sudden action, but melted into Angel's touch. Soon both of them had a night to remember.

  On the other side of the room Vox and Valentino were in deep discussion. They talked about how they got into Hell and such, and with every passing moment they unconsciously got closer. Vox was leaning on Valentino, while he wrapped his arms around Vox.  It was like a dream to Vox. Even though he met him today he wanted Valentino to be his. He looked at the demon beside him and blushed softly.

"What's wrong, Vox?" Valentino questioned as he looked down.

"Oh it's nothing," he assured, yet Valentino could tell that something was on his mind. He put two and two together. The drawn out conversation, and the close proximity, combined with the slight blush that dusted the demon's screen- he knew now what was on his mind.

Valentino then lifted up Vox's chin and started to kiss him gently. Vox was blushing a violent red and couldn't comprehend the event unfolding before him.

"V-Val.." he murmured as Valentino kissed him. Soon, Vox let Valentino take the wheel and boy was it a night to remember.

   As the night continued, Alastor suggested they go back to the hotel. They all agreed, seeing as it was late. As they got there, Alastor opened the door and let them in.  He carried Angel up to his room before returning to get Vox and Valentino situated in their own separate room.  Vox went up to his and Valentino's room as Valentino stayed behind to talk to Alastor.

"So darling what did you want to talk about it?" Alastor said with a knowing grin.

  "Well I think I have feelings for a certain someone." Valentino responded, his gaze cast to the floor.

"Well I hope you don't hurt them like you did to the others Val," the red demon warned.

"I hope I don't too...."

Stay tuned......

Welcome darlings to time. I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. My there was so much heat in it. Though like the quote said.

      "Everything can change in just one day.."

Love you darlings~

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