Sliver lining

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A/n: before we start I want to make something clear apparently Valentino is a moth not a spider. I didn't really know that actually but from now on I will be referring to him as a moth and not an arachnid. Anyways on to the story.
Tw:may contain smut for all you sinners.

Recap: it's extermination day and time has finally run out. All the demons are preparing for the Angels even the Hotel.
3hours before the exterminating.

As soon as Valentino and Vox wrapped up their love moment secession. Alastor comes bursting through the doors with a little girl by his side. She wore a black dress with tassels and her hair was curled up and held by a band with a feather.
Valentino swore she looked familiar. Then it hit him. It was that actress, mimzy if he could recall, but why was she here. Valentino thought of all the possibilities on why mimzy would be here at a time like this.
"Ahem, I'm sure you remember mimzy Val." Alastor said while rolling up his sleeves, while Valentino nodded slowly.
"Yep, I do. Umm, but why is she here Al?" Alastor hastily turned around and gave Valentino a 'are you kidding me' face.
"She's here to helps us with Armageddon (extermination day) darling." Valentino only nodded at the red deer. He didn't know how an actress could help them at a time like this, but he didn't want to doubt Alastors way of thinking.
Valentino kept this thought in mind for a few more minutes till he thought it was best to ask how mimzy was going to help.
"So Al, how exactly is she going to help us?" Valentino asked the already stressed deer.
"As you can see I have my sleeves rolled. What will happen is mimzy will implant or more like inject us with a serum. This serum will make us immune to the silver the Angels will try to use." Alastor finished his sentence as he tied a rope to his upper arm tightly.
"Silver huh, but of she's going to inject us why are you tying a rope to your arm." As Valentino finished. Alastor sighed and whirled around to face the moth.
"I'm trying...mmm... I'm trying to cut off my blood circulation so mimzy can directly inject it into me darling ." Alastor said as he could feel the lower half of his arm go numb.
Valentino could only cringe at the thought of a needle going directly into the vain more or less the sight of it. He just kept thinking of it till he heard Alastor call for Mimzy. When she came in he saw that she held a syringe. It wasn't big, but it wasn't that small either. Valentino shivered at the sight, but when he saw the needle get close to the demons skin he shouted.
"STOP!" Alastor and Mimzy both looked up at Valentino. Valentino fell silent as he looked at both demons.
"Dammit, mimzy just do it quickly dear. I haven't got much time." Alastor said as he continued to focus on his arm. Valentino just silently stood in fear as he watched the needle pierced Alastors skin making blood drip from the latter. Soon enough mimzy started to push down on the syringe making Alastor groan in pain. When it was done mimzy lightly wrapped Alastors arm with bandages.
"It'll be a while for you to recover. If your wonder how much time I'd say about three to four hours sugar maybe less." Alastor heavily sighed at mimzy response, but what could be done. All that was left was to get the others injected.
"Val why don't you go next. Oh and mimzy inject him normally. If I find out you didn't your dead." As he said that Alastor left the room.
Valentino was all by himself with an actress who is surprisingly skilled in medical practices and a bunch of needles. He kind of wished Vox or Alastor was with him, but there nothing he can do now. All he had to do was get injected and that was it. Then it was all over, but first he had to get himself mentally prepared. As he was trying to get him self prepared he was interrupted when mimzy spoke.
"You're all done sugar." Valentino's eyes went wide and look at his arm. It was the truth it was over and so fast? He couldn't believe it! He didn't even feel the needle and the liquid being pushed into him.
Then once again his thoughts were interrupted by the doors bursting open. There he saw Vox with the rest of the other demons. They didn't seem scared, but ready for what was to come and Valentino had figured Alastor told everyone why they were here and why. He shook his head and chuckled a bit at the radio demon.
"Damn Al, you really were prepared." Valentino said unaware of the tv screen standing in front of him.
"He really was I gotta give credit to him." Valentino jumped back at the voice. After his little scare he saw Vox in front of him. 'When did he get there' Valentino thought.
Vox on the other hand only rolled his eyes at the moth and punched him lightly. When he did Valentino hissed in pain. The arm Vox hit was the arm Valentino got the shot on. He immediately started to apologize to Valentino and kept asking him if he was okay. Valentino chuckled a bit as he saw his lover fuss over him, but soon the fussing stopped as Vox was called next.
"I'll be back." Vox said as he made his way towards mimzy.
Meanwhile Angel was contemplating why Alastors injection was different from the rest. He had a few theories along the lines of Alastor trying to protect everyone as usual, but rather linger over theories. Angel decided to ask him himself, but before he could he was stopped by a short little women.
"Sugar it wouldn't be best if you asked him why." Mimzy said coating her words in a sweet but sickly manner.
"And I assure you it's alright to ask me. That is do you want to know my dear." Angel looked at the voice who was emitting the words. It was Alastor. He had a wicked smile on his face and grabbed a hold of Angels wrist whisking him away to a different room.
When they left the parlor Alastor slowed his steps and started to fall slowly to the ground with the aid of his lover.
"Al tell me why was yours injected differently." Alastor stayed silent and his smiled faltered completely. Not once in angels life had he seen Alastor lose his smile.
"You all have a normal dosage of a drug I like to call silver lining. As I told you and the rest it helps you become or help you fight of silver, but with mine injection. I had a higher dosage which could potentially kill me, but since I have so much power in me it takes longer for me to distribute the drug through my body." Angel literally couldn't comprehend what Al just said.
"Wait so since you have so much power from your carnage. You have to take a higher dosage which could probably kill you , but help you distribute it faster through your body?, Alastor nodded as Angel paused. "And you're okay with that?!" Angel quietly shouted. Alastor just nodded with wide eyes. Angel just sighed and hugged the latter softly.
"Your such an idiot Bambi." Alastor chuckled as he held Angel.
"I may be an idiot, but I'm your idiot." Angel just laughed at the deer as that was the most cheesiest thing he heard.

Back with Vox and Valentino. Both demons stood in silent as they contemplated what Alastor said. Yes, they in fact were eavesdropping on Angels and Alastor conversation, but they couldn't help it. I mean they were demons for god sakes. It's not like they weren't gonna sin, but what really it them was how even in a time like this they both still had moments of love through it all. It made them question if they should be having moments like those in this time.
"Vox, could we move to a different room for a bit." Valentino asked his voice wavering of nervousness. Vox could tell Valentino had thoug he long and hard about this and agreed.
When they moved away from the room Valentino pulled Vox into an embrace.
"You know Vox before all hell goes lose, why don't we have some fun~" Valentino said while biting into Vox's neck making the latter emit a moan.
(Smut ⚠️)
After moments of Valentino just sucking and biting marks onto Vox's neck. He passionately kissed Vox. This went on for a few more minutes till Vox was panting from the lack of air. Valentino let his lover catch his breath before moving forward and when he did Valentino pushed him up against the wall. His leg rubbing up against Vox's hard length. When he did this Vox moaned in pleasured grinding his length more onto his lovers leg.
"My my vox your such a sweet little thing aren't you? I bet you taste sweet too." Valentino said licking his lips at the sight of Vox. (Oof cringe major cringe forgive me)
Vox was dazed with pleasure and his mind was going blank, but soon he felt something cold him and he knew what was about to happen. He moaned in pain and pleasure as he felt Valentino's length enter him. He wasn't given a chance to get use to the moths length as Valentino started to thrust into him roughly. Box couldn't contain his cries of pleasure every time Valentino would thrust into him and he didn't even care if he moaned so loud the whole hotel or hell could hear him. He just wanted to enjoy this moment of bliss with Valentino and the pleasure of his lovers length.
"Val, I think I'm going to- don't worry I'm going to too." Valentino finished cutting off Vox.
Then Valentino started to thrust faster into vox making him moan even louder and soon enough both of them had reached their climax and it was pure bliss.
( end of smut)
(Jesus Christ that was the most cringeworthy smut I have ever written.)
"You were so good baby~ I wouldn't mind for a round two." Valentino said while vox was still trying to catch his breath.
"I would mind, Valentino looked up and saw Alastor smiling widely with his staff in hand. "Anyways get cleaned up and next time try to keep it down unless you want Vaggies spear shoved up your ass." With that Alastor left and Valentino picked up Vox to get cleaned up.
Finally after a whole hour and a half Valentino and Vox got cleaned up and started downstairs to join Alastor and the rest. When they got there everyone was geared up and ready to face it head on. They were the only two left to get ready and so they did. All they needed was to make sure that they were ready to face them on themselves.


Hello my darlings
Here is another chapter from moi. I hope you loved and enjoyed it. I really did make this a long one and this one was the first time I did a. Smut scene soooo yeeaah. I was literally cringing at what I was writing, but yeah there's really nothing to say. Anyways that's really it.
Till next time bye darlings ~ <3


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