Encounters of love

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Oof hey..? I know it's been a while since I've updated, but can you blame me(yes you can) anyways I'm here and I've come with the story content. (ノ﹏ヽ)   Enjoy!

Vox didn't understand why Alastor was so uptight on the subject of his motives. 'I mean why his parents did they die or something or did they starve him? Maybe that cause his cannibalism. ' vox thought. He knew at this point he pushed the limits to far even for the radio demon, but he couldn't help it. He was so intrigued with Alastors Origin and didn't know why. It was like there was some sort of connection between them or maybe it was cause no one could figure out the demon. A little while later vox decided to head back to the house and dropped the thought of the topic.
When he got home he noticed the walls had a trail of blood of someone who dragged themselves along it. He decided to follow the trail and the closer he got to the end a soft tune entered the room and halls. Vox kept walking as the tune became louder and the blood became less. He soon came to a halt when he saw Alastor up against the wall. He noticed a red liquid seeping through the demons shirt and assumed the blood must have came from him, but besides that he was humming a tune. It was familiar as if vox had heard that song somewhere, but couldn't name it. He was so distracted that he didn't notice Angel rush into the room.
"Al, what happened?!" Alastors looked up at the voice and saw angel with a look fo concern in his eyes.
    "It's nothing darling just minor come in with the mafia." Alastor said with a cheery smile, but felt it was faltering. Angel looked at the demon unconvinced and picked him up. "Angel, dear put me down please. It's nothing you need to worry about." Alastor said pleading to be let go.
  "Sorry al, no can do and it is a big deal. I mean you could've died and not to mention you would have re-do your whole carnage thing in hell. We don't want that now do we." Angel finished his words drowning in facts and worry. He knew he had made a point to the demon and walked out of the room to help his lover.
  Meanwhile Vox was stunned. Not only did angel pick him up forcefully. He also shut up the radio demon. No one would've done what angel did. They would all back down in fear of the radio demon spreading there carnage all over hell not to mention the encounters of his own demons.
  Then once again vox was distracted  in his thoughts of the recent events. That he didn't notice a pair of arms wrap around him. Until he felt a breath go down his back. He looked up into a pair of dark hazel eyes and smiled. He then turned around to hug the demon. It was Valentino, he hugged and he couldn't argue that it was nice to hug him at a time like this. He actually never really had a time with him this whole trip. He was always with Alastor.
  "Hey Val, u-umm would you like to go grab some dinner with me s-since tonight will be our last night here?" Vox cursed himself for stuttering, but Valentino found it adorable and chuckled softly.
    "Is the Tv demon asking me on a date?" Valentino said with sarcasm and humor. Vox picked up on it and pouted. He didn't appreciate that Valentino was taking this as a joke. Valentino on the other hand saw how distraught his sweetheart was. "Sorry sweetheart I was just surprised you asked me. I thought I would be the one asking you, but that's besides the point. Yes I'll go out with you." Voxs eyes were wide and he embraces Valentino in a gentle hug. He was grateful for Val. Without him vox would probably be in hell just lazing around or doing some killing, but right now he was hugging his love and that's all he wanted to do. Little did vox know that two demons were standing outside the room witnessing the romantic scene
Alastors pov:
I sighed as I gave angel ten dollars. Now your probably wondering why. Well me and angel made a bet to see who would ask the other out first. I thought Valentino would and angel thought vox would. Now we're here with ten dollars going to my lover and me sighing in disappointment.
"Dang Al, better luck next time baby." He said while wrapping his arms around me.
"That is if there is a next time, darling." Angel smirked and looked at me.
"Oh there is going to be a next time. I think Charlie and Vaggie have some love problems to be solved." He said with a sickly sweetness. I could only smile at him and peck his lips.
   "I suppose, but before we do that why don't we go have a little fun ourselves darling." I said wrapping my arms loosely around his waist.
   No ones pov:
The night was full of sweet passionate love has the two couples head out to there desired location. One to dinner and the other to a jazz club filled with mafia bosses. There's was nothing more the two couples wanted, cause they had what they wanted and that was each other and nothing could change that.

Or could it?.....   

Stay tuned.............

Heeey....it's me and I'm back with another chapter full of fluff and drama perhaps. I hoped you enjoyed and loved this chapter and I will try to update it at least once a week sorry for taking sooo long and I hope you darlings are doing well.
Till next time bye darlings ~

Memes of the day!!!!

Memes of the day!!!!

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