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Every book has an ending and ever adventure has a happy ending, but what about this one? Well it starts off with a trip back to hell and one hell of a nap.
  After the four made it home, Vox needed a good long nap. Which he intended to have right when they got back, but no it couldn't be helped. Instead he just sat by the window sill and looked out into hells city. It was raining blood as when they first left and to be honest Vox didn't mind. In fact he loved the rain and kinda missed it. He was on for gloomy cloudy days, but know he can't help, but look forward to blood dripping from the sky.
Meanwhile, Valentino was stationed at the bar. He was contemplating their recent trip to earth. It was how would you say it, 'very interesting to him' , but that wasn't really what bothered him. It was Vox, all that time on earth and he didn't spend on single minuet with him. That is until their last day. Most of the trip Vox spent with Alastor, not him and Valentino was kind of getting jealous. Vox was suppose to be his not Alastors and besides Alastor has Angel.
All that could be done for him was to just talk with Vox and spend more time with him. I mean after all you could lose someone in a matter of time.
Going back to Vox. He was still at the window sill looking out, but for some reason he couldn't help, but remember the cassette tape he found in that studio. He wanted to ask Alastor about, but he felt like it would bring back bad memories so he left it alone. Another thing that was bothering him was Valentino. Lately he seems different like he's mad or something.
Then it hit him. Valentino was jealous! Box couldn't blame him though. I mean he did spend most of his time with Alastor and not him. This concept made Vox feel guilty. He never meant to spend all his time with Alastor. He just wanted to know more about the technology I guess, but that doesn't give him an excuse to not spend time with Val. He needs to make it up to him, but how? That was the question how would he make it up to Valentino? All he needed was time and unfortunately time was not on his side. Vox  has to figure something out and fast.

   "Extermination day is coming and fast. I'm running out of time."

Hello my darlings. I know it's been like 4 or5 months since I last updated, but I have had a lot of writers block and school work to do. Anyways I have updated and I hope you love and enjoy the chapter.  Just remember I love you all.
  Till next time bye darlings ~💖💖💖

Memes of the day

Brought to you by Alastors five foot rule.
  Go watch the umbrella academy.

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