between work and school and home

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between work and school and home is
ponderosa pine and juniper and rabbitbrush
and endless infinite sky,
larger here than anywhere else, i swear.
when i walked to work on that first sunday,
my first 7am shift when the sun rose then,
the sky was all the gorgeous colors that it was and i thought,
i love you.
i thought of you.
i saw a beautiful thing and i was overjoyed and i thought of love and i thought of you.

and on one of my last 7am shifts,
i saw a bright blue sky, summerlike, barely obscured by ponderosa needles and buildingtops,
and i thought of how large the sky seemed here and i thought of summer and of home.
i thought, when i move, will it be the same? will ever i see the endless sky, pale or bright or dim or dark or colorful and think the same way that i do here?
will ever i see the infinite endless sky and think of you?
will i, in the summer, at home, watch the sun rise in the same bright colors, and think,
i love you?

i hope i will.
i hope i think of everyone i have ever loved and the hurt of knowing how far and how disconnected i am from you and how we've all moved on in our own separate ways hurts more than anything else and i hope that hurt tears me apart and inspires me to keep making the bonds that make me hurt.
between work and school and home and all the mundane everyday things in life,
i hope i continue to choose love.

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