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Insanely gorgeous

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Insanely gorgeous.

That's the best way to describe the woman currently leaning towards me, her flowery perfume wafting over me, more intoxicating than the beer I drank before she came over. She smells like winter and roses and a little bit of trouble.

"I think you know exactly what I want," she whispers in my ear, her breath fanning over my skin and causing a shiver to run down my spine.

Oh, I'm sure I do, and I couldn't be more on board.

The hand on my thigh runs up a bit farther, and my dick jumps in my jeans as a result.

She pulls back slowly, her almond-shaped, onyx, brown eyes watching me intently, a slight grin lingering on her plump, red lips.

Her wavy hair is some dark color, and I'm not sure if it's the light, but when she moves, it almost looks purple. The crop-top she is wearing does nothing to hide her perfect cleavage, and it's impossible for me to keep my eyes from straying down there every so often.

She rests her side against the bar, picks up her glass of whiskey, and takes another sip, all the while keeping her eyes locked on me.

This isn't new. I've had plenty of women approach me in bars and hit on me in the hopes that I will go home with them, although I very rarely take them up on the offer.

At first glance, nothing about the beauty perched on a stool across from me appears inherently different. Everything from asking me to buy her a drink to already knowing who I am and faking an interest in swimming, even down to her fake, red fingernails that are currently tapping against the bar countertop, is completely on par with every similar interaction I've had before.

And yet, I can't shake the feeling that she is toying with me. There is this sinful glint in her big, onyx eyes promising complete chaos, and it's reeling me in. I have no doubt that this is a bad idea, but I can't find it in myself to care.

Her lips tug up at the side as she twirls her glass slowly. I'm not sure if she is waiting for a response, but I'm pretty certain that I don't have enough functioning brain cells to formulate one right now.

"It's such a beautiful night, don't you think?" she muses, her gaze moving to the open door showcasing the wet pavement outside. It's been raining non-stop for the last twenty-four hours. But as her stare catches mine again, it's obvious that her remark wasn't actually intended for us to discuss the weather.

"Want to go for a stroll?" I finally manage to speak again, smirking a bit at her. I doubt there will be much walking involved in tonight's activities.

I have been hit on in bars often enough, but I'm a bit of a serial monogamist, and the only time I actually went home with someone, it turned into a three months-long relationship, so you could say I'm a little out of my comfort zone right now.

Her, on the other hand? She seems completely in her element. Her eyes twinkle with fake excitement as she leans forward a bit, resting a hand on my leg again. "What a great idea, Jayden."

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