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Have Saturday practices always been this early?

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Have Saturday practices always been this early?

After yesterday I'm completely and utterly drained. I didn't shut an eye all night because every time I did, my brother's tear-streaked face appeared behind my closed lids.

I could use some of Sophie's memory repellent right now. I didn't see her last night because I wasn't in the mood to be around anyone. I texted her, though, when I was twisting and turning at 2 AM, but she obviously didn't answer. And she's probably with Max now, so that's got to be why she hasn't texted me back yet.

Saltz and Mitch are acting like idiots as per usual, so I tune them out as I strip down. I check the clock. Davis is late.

Only about five minutes later than usual and still well within the range of being able to get ready before practice starts, but Davis is never late.

Like, he's annoyingly punctual. Always showing up exactly on time. He once told me that he would rather be thirty minutes early than two seconds late.

I told him to get his priorities straight.

Right as I'm about to head to the shower, he appears.

He's cutting it close. I frown as I watch him hurry to his locker, ripping his shirt off and haphazardly throwing it in his bag.

Never have I seen him this... disorganized.

It's unsettling.

"Dude," I say. His eyes cut over to me shortly, narrowed in annoyance.

"I know, I know." He removes his pants and grabs his gear from the locker. "Let's just get ready."

Alright, jeez. I walk into the shower, Davis hot on my heels. Most of our teammates are wrapping up, so no one pays us much mind as we take two spots in the back.

As I lather myself in soap, as you always have to do before jumping in the water - chlorine can only do so much, you know? - Davis eyes are on my face.

"How did it go yesterday?" His voice is low, but I still scan the area around us, making sure there are no stragglers listening.

I'm also attempting to buy time because I don't know how to answer his questions.

It was the most heartbreaking experience of my life, and I don't think I'll ever be able to work through this guilt, but Ollie texted that he was okay using the code, so I guess it's not all terrible?

I lift a shoulder. "Okay."

I'm avoiding his eyes, but I'm sure he sees straight through me. I'm also sure he'll respect my need to just handle it myself.

"What about you? How are you doing?" I ask as we make our way out of the changing room and onto the deck.

We tap the life boyo.

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