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Sophie is gone when I wake up the next morning since she had to be at work at six, so I decide to exploit the fact that I now have a quick way to get in touch with her

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Sophie is gone when I wake up the next morning since she had to be at work at six, so I decide to exploit the fact that I now have a quick way to get in touch with her.

Me: Good morning

Trouble 💃: I'm gonna regret giving you this number, aren't I?

Me: 🤷🤷

Me: But yes

Trouble 💃: After sundown, Jay... It's an after sundown sort of arrangement

Me: What are you, a vampire?

Me: Do you sparkle in the sun?

Trouble 💃: If I were a vampire, I would at least be a cool one, that like, disintegrates in daylight

Me: That's cool? 🤨🤨

Trouble 💃: Cooler than Robert Pattinson, anyways

Me: I've lost track of what's happening

Trouble 💃: I can imagine it must be difficult for you. This is what we call a ✨conversation✨

Me: I'm gonna fuck you so hard for that one

Trouble 💃: Don't threaten me with a good time 😏

Trouble 💃: Wanna come over tonight?

Me: Swim practice 😔

Trouble 💃: 😒😒 Urgh, Jayden, then why did you even text me?

Me: Cause I miss you 😘😘😘

Trouble 💃: Imma block your number

Me: Byyee 👋👋

I doubt she'll actually do it. Sophie talks a good game, yet she's the one who voluntarily handed over her phone number after only very little pleading on my part.

She can deny it all she wants, but I think she's enjoying this, whatever it is, just as much as I am.

But as much as I like spending time with Sophie, my body is now punishing me for going out last night. My head is pounding, I feel heavy and slow in my movements, and my eyelids are practically glued shut.

It's nothing compared to Saltz, though.

As I enter the locker room, he's keeled over on the bench, head in his hands, groaning.

I clap him hard on the back twice. "Rough morning?"

He just groans in response. Mitch is sitting beside him, having the time of his life, apparently. There's a big, relaxed grin on his face as he passes a water bottle to the rookie. How he isn't dead on his feet, too, is an utter mystery to me.

Davis, at least, also looks tired. But he always does these days. It's no easy feat to be a professional swimmer and then add being a first-year law student too. I don't know how he does it all.

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