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I swing the door open when the doorbell rings, finding Jayden standing on the other side, a grocery bag in each hand

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I swing the door open when the doorbell rings, finding Jayden standing on the other side, a grocery bag in each hand.

"Hi." His smile is adorable, and he leans over to place a kiss on my cheek as he carries the bags into the kitchen.

It's date night.

"Hey," I say, following after him.

When he's placed the bags on the counter, he turns around, holding out his arms. "Come here."

I don't even think twice about it, I just step into his waiting embrace. With those big, muscular arms, Jayden was built for hugging. I don't hug a lot of people, but with Jayden it feels natural, and as his scent envelopes me, and his warmth seeps through his clothes, I start relaxing.

He dips his head, pressing his lips against mine. It's soft and gentle. His tongue coaxes my mouth open, deepening the kiss, but keeping a leisurely pace. It's almost lazy, and it makes something flip in my chest.

After a while, he pulls back, smiling dazed at me. "Missed you, Trouble."

The flipping intensifies. I clench my stomach muscles, hoping that'll somehow make my chest settle the fuck down. Plastering a smile on my face, I wink at Jayden. "Figures. I'm very missable."

His laugh wraps around me, causing a shiver to run down my spine. He juts his chin at the kitchen island. "Go sit down."

"Yes, sir," I say, grinning wickedly as I turn around. He smacks my ass when I walk away.

I take a seat on the other side of the kitchen island, resting my elbows on the marble tabletop, watching Jayden rummage around my kitchen. There's a familiarity to his movements. It's in the way he intuitively opens the right drawers, and finds cooking appliances without issue. I hadn't realized how comfortable Jayden had become in my space.

Apprehension battles something freakishly close to contentment in my stomach.


I blink Jayden back into focus. He's turned around, watching me with a bemused look, a bottle of white wine in one hand.

I swallow. "You bought wine?"

"It's a date, is it not?"

I nod numbly.

He turns to the right cabinet, grabbing two wine glasses almost absentmindedly. He pours the golden liquid and slides one glass across the counter towards me.

I take a large sip. I have a feeling I'm gonna need alcohol tonight. Jayden pulls carrots and onions out of the grocery bags and begins prepping it.

"What are you making?"

He continues working, his back to me. "Danish tartlets. I wanted you to try it."

His favorite. I smile around the rim of my glass. I remember him telling me that it was something his dad used to make.

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