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One of the perks of being the assistant manager at a large hotel is complete control over your own hours and most of the staff's

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One of the perks of being the assistant manager at a large hotel is complete control over your own hours and most of the staff's.

Downsides? When the night manager calls in sick, you have to cover for him.

So on this lovely Friday evening, when I should have had the night off, I'm just clocking in for a twelve-hour shift.

I'm going to strangle that guy if he 'randomly' falls sick on another Friday before he has the weekend off.

I greet Valentina, who's already behind the front desk before I go into my office in the back. Our boss is lurking around here somewhere, but I haven't seen him yet. So after a few minutes, I grab a magazine from my bag, lean back in my chair, and cross my legs to get comfortable.

About an hour later, I'm doing a round, making sure everyone is doing their job and therefore enabling me to do less of mine. As I pass through the lobby, I hear an excited voice call out to me.

"Sophie!" I lift my head and find Valentina leaning over the front desk, her eyes shining and a million-watt smile on her face. "You won't believe who just walked into the restaurant."

Valentina has worked here for about a year. She's young, just out of high school and taking a gap year before college. She's a pretty girl with full, red lips, unnaturally long eyelashes, and raven black hair, which is tucked away under her pink hijab.

Her parents are also evil people, who figured that celebrating her birthday on February fourteenth wasn't bad enough but decided to name her Valentina.

"Who?" I ask, uninterested, walking closer to her.

"Jayden Sennels!" she exclaims, bouncing on her feet.

I stop in my tracks.

What the hell is he doing here?

There's no way he knows this is my job; for god's sake, he doesn't even know my name.

This is a large hotel, and if I were actually to do my job, I would have plenty of places to hide until he left, but then again, it might be fun to see his expression when I walk up to his table.

I realize Valentina is still speaking, and I just catch the end of her sentence, "... they just sat down."

Oh, he's here with people? Well, count my interest peaked.

I raise an eyebrow at her before turning to walk towards the restaurant. I can hear her scramble out from behind the desk to follow me.

We walk in behind the large mahogany bar covering one side of the big room. The bartender, Harry, is hunched over, tapping furiously at his phone. When he hears us approach, he glances in our direction, straightens up immediately, and almost drops his phone.

"Miss Brooks, I promise, I wasn't-"

"Dude," I interrupt him. "Do I look like I care?"

He swallows, clearly unsure of the correct answer, glancing at Valentina behind me. He gives me a questioning look. "No?"

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