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It's Wednesday

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It's Wednesday. The guys decided to join me for dinner at the Michigan Lakefront Hotel after Sophie and I's study session.

She's here somewhere, too, but the manager is out sick, so she has some things to take care of.

We're finishing up dinner. Davis sits beside me, looking pretty beat. Balancing being a professional athlete with being a law student is hitting him hard, and now that he's thrown Jen into the mix, I'm not sure when he sleeps.

Mitch is leaned back in his seat, one arm resting on the back of the booth, a beer in hand, looking utterly relaxed, as always. How he manages to do that while wearing clothes that probably cost more than my yearly scholarship payment, I have no idea.

I finish off my burger while turning my eyes on Saltz. He's been preoccupied tonight, not even complaining when Sophie refused to serve him alcohol. He's staring at his phone, a crease between his brows, suddenly tapping away for a few seconds, and then back to waiting.

"You okay, Saltz?" I ask him.

He glances up, blinking a few times like he'd forgotten where he was. "Uh, yeah..." He runs a hand through his hair, grinding his teeth together. "You know that feeling when a guy is ignoring you on one platform but answering on another?"

No, can't say that I do.

"Why on earth are you texting the same guy on different platforms?" Mitch asks, turning towards Saltz in his seat.

"Cause it's for different purposes."

"Are any of those purposes dignity?"

Saltz looks over at our oldest teammate, indignation on his face. "Of course not! Haven't you been listening? I'm texting the same guy on different platforms."

Saltz throws the phone down on the table, dropping his head into his hands.

"Do you want us to beat up Nick?" I ask.

He glances at me. "Who says it's Nick I'm texting with?"

"Isn't it?" I lift an eyebrow, staring him down. He narrows his eyes defiantly but then sighs.


His phone pings on the table. Before Saltz can pick it up, Mitch grabs it off the table. "Now he can see what it's like to be ignored."

"Are you sure this relationship is working for you, Saltz?" Davis asks quietly. I wasn't sure he was paying attention. I figured he might be trying to sleep with his eyes open.

Saltz shrugs. "I dunno. It's not even really a relationship; we're not exclusive."

"But you like him?"

"I guess so. I just don't think he likes me as much." A big sigh leaves my youngest teammate, and he seems to deflate. "I should probably stop seeing him."

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