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I have been blessed with an excellent memory, and paired with my great sense of direction; it isn't hard for me to find Jayden's apartment complex

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I have been blessed with an excellent memory, and paired with my great sense of direction; it isn't hard for me to find Jayden's apartment complex.

I had been a bit inebriated when I came here the first time and focused on something other than our whereabouts, but when I left his apartment the day after, I realized we were on campus at U-M.

I still don't know why he lives in student housing and not off-campus, but at least he has an apartment for himself with no roommates. I park my car close by and make my way into his building. I'm not sure if he is home. I suppose he could be out galavanting since it's Saturday night, but I take a shot.

I adjust my clothes once I reach his door and knock quickly three times.

Only about two minutes pass before Jayden swings the door open, looking mildly irritated.

Oh my lord.

I've seen Jayden without clothes on, and I've seen him wearing really flattering jeans, but I had not been prepared for seeing him in sweats. Grey sweats. And nothing else.

Have mercy.

I shamelessly let my gaze roam all over him. From his broad shoulders and the tattoos covering his left arm to the defined eight-pack on his abdomen and the alluring V leading down to what I know awaits behind those low-hanging sweats.

I take in the long pale scar snaking its way up the side of his torso, almost invisible against his skin, but just deep enough that I doubt it will ever fade, and yet again, I wonder how it got there. I want to know the story behind that scar.

But I can't. Because then he would want to hear my story too. That's how getting to know people work; a question for a question. And while I can ask them, I can't answer them.

So Jayden Sennels must remain as big of a mystery to me as I'm sure I am to him.

I'm allowed a surprisingly long time to check him out, and when I raise my eyes to his face, I realize why. Jayden seems frozen, one hand gripping the doorframe tightly, the other arm halfway lifted, hovering, like he was amidst a movement, when he saw me.

"Fie," he breaks the silence between us, standing up straighter which causes me to pull my neck back a bit to see his face.

"Hello, Jayden," I say pleasantly. "Mind if I come in?"

He glances over his shoulder for a second, causing all those muscles in his upper back to shift. Who knew backs were hot? Then he looks at me again, something like nerves evident in his face. "Yeah, sure."

I walk inside, throwing my jacket on the back of his small couch, before taking a seat on the armrest, crossing my legs, and looking expectantly up at Jayden.

He still seems to be in some kind of daze, his eyes flickering around the room and back to me several times, like he's checking if I'm really here.

"So, uhm, what are you doing here?" he asks, scratching his brow with his thumb.

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