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I feel emotionally drained

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I feel emotionally drained.

Going to Sophie's place last night evolved into some impromptu trip down memory lane I wasn't expecting. But it felt good to tell her, to finally come clean about everything.

And I feel good about our decision to pick back up again. Clearly, staying away from her hasn't done shit for my ability to swim properly. Besides, we're not just hooking up now.

We're dating.

Still not sure how I managed that, but I'm not complaining.

I heard her, though, loud and clear. This is temporary, while she helps me with my grades and I get the rest of my life back on track. As soon as I have Ollie, it's over.

It's a trade I can live with, to be honest.

But still, last night was a little hard. Reliving all those memories from my childhood kind of left me feeling hollow. So that explains why there's a bit of an ache in my chest when I wake this morning.

It doesn't explain why there's a pounding in my head, though.

I stare at my ceiling, wondering if I'll be able to fall back asleep and get another few hours, but it seems unlikely.

The pounding intensifies, but it sounds far away, almost removed from myself. Wait... Maybe it isn't in my head after all.

I sit up, straining my ears.

Was that the front door?

I stumble out of bed, opening my bedroom door, and the pounding or knocking becomes clearer. Who the hell shows up at his hour?

Well, the answer to that question is waiting in the hallway.

"Sophie?" I ask, yawning. "It's six in the morning."

"Yeah, but your practice isn't for another two hours, right?"

I nod, scratching my chest, which is when I realize that I'm only wearing a pair of boxers. "I usually sleep in a bit on Saturdays, though."

"But you're up now," she says, sounding ridiculously awake for this early in the morning.

"Right... What are you doing here?" I'm too tired to point out that this is way before sundown. But maybe now that we're dating, we can see each other whenever...

"I'm taking you somewhere," she answers, completely cryptic, which fits, but I'm too tired for the mind games.

"I have practice at eight." I feel the need to repeat that for some reason.

She nods. "I'll have you back before that." She takes a deep breath. "You wanted to get to know me, so I want to show you something."


That still doesn't clear anything up, but I'm not about to say no to the chance to learn just a little bit more about Sophie Brooks.

"I'll get dressed," I say, already turning towards my bedroom.

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