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"Didn't your shift end like thirty minutes ago?"

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"Didn't your shift end like thirty minutes ago?"

Valentina is standing in the doorway to my office, her face scrunched in confusion.

It's a seldom sight; me voluntarily staying late.

I shrug. "I'm waiting for someone."

Her expression lights up, dark eyes dancing with glee. "Is your hot swimmer boyfriend coming?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I all but growl.

"No, but your daaating," she draws out the word, and for the fifteenth time today, I regret giving her that piece of information.

But since Jayden will be joining me here in about five minutes for a study session, I felt the need to warn Valentina.

I didn't want my poor young co-worker to have a heart attack from pure excitement.

"It's casual!" I practically yell as Valentina starts backing out of my office, doing some weird shoulder shake, grinning from ear to ear.

She turns around, walking down the hall, singing loudly. "Sophie and Jayden sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

I'm gonna fire her ass.

When the worst of my embarrassment has dissolved, I venture out into the lobby, finding Jayden sitting on one of the plush couches, looking utterly ill at ease.

I don't know if it's the fancy furniture, the side-eye from guests passing through, not so subtly ogling the Olympic swimmer, or maybe just Valentina practically drooling behind the front desk, but something definitely makes him uncomfortable.

"Hey," I say quietly as I stop before him.

He glances up at me, a timid smile spreading on his face, his finger fiddling in his lap, and I realize that maybe it's the prospect of being tutored by his used-to-be-booty-call, now date, that has him squirming.

I wouldn't blame him.

The situation is undoubtedly a little unconventional.

I lead him into the restaurant and point him in the direction of one of the booths, so he can get his things out while I grab us some drinks and snacks.

Harry is behind the bar, his eyes curious as he finds my orders, but unlike Valentina, he keeps it to himself.

I really need to teach her some respect for her superiors.

Returning to the booth, I set down the glasses and a plate of appetizers for us to snack on.

As it turned out, finding time for our tutoring sessions was difficult. Between my work schedule and Jayden's training, there weren't many options available. 

So, in the end, we decided that Wednesdays, after I get off work, is the best time. He will come to the hotel, and we can sit here and go over his assignments.

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