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"I'm so tired

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"I'm so tired." Jayden rests face down on the table, his computer beside him.

"I know." I reach over and run a hand through his hair. "We're almost done."

It's our last study session before Jayden has to hand in his term paper. Things have been going well. Ever since I started tutoring him, his grades have increased, and if he gets anything above a C- on this paper, he'll be off academic probation.

We've worked on it for a few weeks now. Jayden took my idea and delved into the German occupation of Denmark during World War II. Specifically, how the Danish government cooperated with Germany until they refused to reinstate the death penalty in 1943, and the German occupiers also took over the government.

It's been really interesting to watch Jayden discover things about a part of his heritage. Through working on this paper, he's learned a lot of Danish history, and I see a glimmer of interest now and then when he reads something new.

He'll deny it, though.

Over his dead body, will he ever admit to liking history. I find it kind of adorable.

We've stuck to our Wednesday plans, but today is Saturday. We had to work through the weekend since the paper is due on Monday.

I'd reviewed his work before our session Wednesday when I gave him my notes. So today, we went over his improvements, and I'm impressed. He's come a long way.

Now he's dog-tired too. Morning practice, then straight to the hotel for tutoring. I just dipped home quickly after being with Max to take a shower. There's something inherently wrong about showing up to your workplace when you're not scheduled to work.

But this is where we've held every one of our study sessions, and I believe that environment is an important factor. Why mess with success?

Plus, if we'd done it at either of our places, there's no guarantee we would have studied much.

"Jay," I say quietly, watching as he rolls his head to the side so he can look at me with bleary eyes.


"I did some digging..." I bite the inside of my lip. "I looked up your grandfather."

For the last month, I've been searching for Jayden's relatives. It turned out to be easy enough to find his grandfather. There weren't many Bjørn Sennels born in the years after the war.

Jayden lifts his head, brows furrowing. "You did?"

I nod, fighting the apprehension. I'm a bit afraid that I overstepped. Jayden never seemed much interested in his father's side of the family, seeing how they essentially disowned him after he married Jayden's mother.

"And?" he asks in a tight voice, one hand fisted on the table, the other digging into the wood with his fingernails.

"As assumed your grandfather is dead. He died five years ago. I haven't looked too much into your immediate family still in Romania since I wasn't sure if you wanted to reconnect with them, but it turned out that when your grandfather moved to Romania, his family stayed in Denmark."

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