Author's note

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Hi guys.

That's it – the book is over.
I know, it's kinda crazy, and I didn't want it to end, but Sophie and Jayden deserved their happy ever after 🥰

To anyone wondering if there'll be an epilogue, there won't.

This is because Dive is the first book in the Medley series, and these books are very interconnected. They take place over four years following our four guy's journeys towards the Olympics. Therefore the series has one prologue and one epilogue.

However, this is not the end of Sophie and Jayden! You'll see them plenty in the other books, and I'll write bonus chapters about the big moments they go through over the course of the series.

Next book is called Glide, and it's David and Jen's story. It'll start the first night they met, which means that the first half of the book shares a timeline with Dive. It'll answer all your burning questions.

It's up on my profile now, so add it to your reading lists. However, before I start work on it, I'll be editing my first book – formerly known as The Guy Only She Sees. It has a new title, and once the cover is done, I'll post that and the blurb on my IG; @blanca__writes. To those who didn't read it before I took it down, it's a best friend's brother's college romance, and it'll be the first in a series.

Back to Dive.
Thank you so much to everyone reading along. The love for this story has been overwhelming, and I'm so thankful for every read, vote, and comment. It's what's kept me going and helped me finish this book in time for the Watty's.

I want to say special thanks to Sof and Monne, my IRL friends who've been reading along and listening to me ramble about this book ❤️

Dive was a really ambitious project for me. I had never written such a long and complex story before. I've spent hours upon hours researching, trying to make this as good as possible. And I've found that I write best when there's a healthy amount of angst to the story, so you can anticipate that in future projects too. Sorry!

I wrote the first chapters back in October but didn't start consistently writing until January. It took me longer to finish this book than expected, but I also went through several big life events while working on it. I wrote my thesis, finished my degree, got a job abroad, and moved. I hope to complete future projects quicker, but you know, life happens!

I'll begin writing Glide once I've finished edits for TGOSS and reuploaded that. Hopefully, I'll begin posting sometime in October. But I'll keep you posted.

In the meanwhile: What are you looking forward to seeing in Jen and David's book? ➡️

There's not much to say but thank you for reading along! See you next time 🤩

- Hanna 💙

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