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"I'm sorry I'm late," I yell as I rush in the door, thirty minutes after I was supposed to come home

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"I'm sorry I'm late," I yell as I rush in the door, thirty minutes after I was supposed to come home.

Jayden's in the kitchen, putting away groceries, his eyes shining with amusement.

"Relax, Fie, Ollie isn't home yet," he says, turning to the fridge.

I walk towards him, still in my work heels. "Where is he?"

Ollie gets off school at 3 pm on Fridays. It's almost 4.30; he should be home.

"At the skatepark."

I cross my arms over my chest, tapping my foot until Jayden turns around to look at me. "You let him go to the skatepark alone?"

Jayden cocks his head, his lips twitching as he tries to match my serious expression. "He's with a friend and the friend's parent. I'm gonna go pick him up in thirty minutes."

My shoulders relax involuntarily, and a grin breaks out on Jayden's face. He takes a step towards me, and I mirror him, stepping away. He keeps going like that until he's backed me against the kitchen counter, a wolfish smile grinning down at me. "Were you worried?" he asks, dipping his head to kiss my neck as his hands land on the counter, caging me in.

"No," I protest. Jayden takes great pleasure in any sign of protective instinct I show towards Ollie. But for God's sake, he gives that kid way too long a lease. Didn't he just break his wrist a few months ago? "Only questioning your parental skills."

"Wrong answer," Jayden says, biting my neck enough to sting lightly. "Wanna try again?" As he says that, one hand works its way up my thigh underneath my work skirt.

I returned to work a week ago after the treatment ended. I'm officially in remission again, and since I'm no longer getting radiation every day, my energy levels have skyrocketed.

Which Jayden is taking full advantage of.

When his fingertips skim my panties, I whimper, but it's not enough to break my resolve. "No."

He removes his hands a few inches, instead drawing lazy circles on my inner thigh. His mouth moves down to my cleavage, kissing between my boobs. He begins undoing my buttons with his other hand; eyes turned towards my face. "Sure?" He licks a nipple over the fabric of my bra, sending a zip of pleasure through me.

He's only opened the shirt enough to give him access to my tits.

My hands are gripping the counter behind me, knuckles turning white as I arch my back towards him. His fingers still touch me so close to where I need him, but way too far away. I throw my head back as he slips the bra down and takes a nipple in his mouth. Dammit.

"I was worried," I admit, and Jayden growls his approval.

Instead of slipping his fingers inside my panties, his hands both land on my waist, and in one movement, he twirled me around, so my stomach is now pressed to the counter. His hands roam all over my body, making my want for him climb higher and higher.

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