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Sophie is quiet on the way back

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Sophie is quiet on the way back.

There's still a few hours until my afternoon practice, so we drive to my place.

Today went surprisingly well. Ollie was a little unsure of Sophie in the beginning, but I had expected that of him. He's not big on new people.

Sophie handled it like a pro. She talked about books with him, and slowly he opened up more. Seeing how easily she fell into conversation with him made me realize just how in love with her I am.

Damn, I have it bad for this woman.

"That went well," I say, shooting her a quick look and a smile.

She's looking out the window, her fingers tapping against her leg. "Yeah."

I reach over, covering her hand with mine, squeezing. "Don't worry; he liked you. I can tell."

She stills under my hand, turning her head towards me slowly, onyx eyes meeting mine. "He's a smart kid," she says with a small smile.

Pride swells in my chest. It's ridiculous since I can't take credit for any of my brother's intellect. "I got the looks, and he got the brains." I smirk.

Sophie shrugs next to me. "I don't know, Jay. He's cute. He might grow up to take both those titles."

I gasp, looking at her with outrage as we stop at a red light. "Excuse me?"

Her head is leaned back against the headrest, and she turns it, eyes twinkling with mirth. "Sucks to suck."

I shake my head, though I can't help grinning. As the light turns green, I press the accelerator and look back at the road. "I really think it went well. He's not that great with new people. It takes him a while to trust someone."

Sophie looks back at the road too. "Oh."

She's quiet for the rest of the ride.


I close the door behind us, shrugging off my jacket before heading into the kitchen. I need a cup of coffee. It's already been a long day, and I still have two hours of practice this afternoon.

"Want coffee?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder.

Sophie is standing by the door, her arms wrapped around herself, avoiding my eye. "Actually, I don't think I'm going to stay long."

I smile at her questioningly as I pour ground coffee into the machine. "You can just hang out here while I'm at practice, Fie; it's no problem."

I turn and walk a few steps toward her. In my small apartment, that means I'm basically standing right in front of her.

I scan her body with a heated look. She's wearing those jeans from Friendsgiving again and a tight, blue sweater. It's homey and cute and not really Sophie, and I have a feeling she picked it specifically for today. That thought makes my heart soar.

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