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I stop the car in my usual parking spot, relaxing back in the seat

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I stop the car in my usual parking spot, relaxing back in the seat.

God, I'm tired.

A night shift will do that to you. I am going to kill the night manager for calling in sick, again, just after I fire him. Asshole.

I should probably go home. My body is heavy, my mind hazy, and I could use a shower, but this has been my Saturday ritual for far too long. Also, Max doesn't care what I look like. My appearance has nothing to do with why I'm here.

I pick up my phone, intending to check my notifications before heading out when I notice an unusual text from Jen.

Jen 💕: Do you have something you want to tell me?

Me: Uh... No?

Jen 💕: You sure? 🤨

Jen 💕: Then why did JAYDEN SENNELS just show up in my house while I was in my pajamas?!?! 🤬🤬

Oh... shit.

Me: Idk, I didn't ask him to come!

Jen 💕: He was bringing you breakfast

Jen 💕: How does he even know where we live?

Me: Uh... 😬😬 I might have brought him home last Saturday

Me: When you spent the night at Devil boy's

Jen 💕: Don't call him that 😑😑

Jen 💕: Were you ever gonna tell me?

Me: 🏃‍♀️💨

Me: No comment

Jen 💕: I'm gonna eat your breakfast, buttnugget

Me: Go for it ❤️

I put my phone down, sighing. I hadn't really been planning on telling Jen that my one-night stand with Jayden had turned into two nights. This was just supposed to be a few nights here and there, and I had figured it would blow over before Jen found out and made a bigger number out of it than it is.

I guess that just went out the window.


I know she doesn't have an issue with me seeing Jayden, and for all she cares, he can come by the apartment as much as he pleases. She just wants to be kept in the loop. And I didn't do that.

I try to shake the interaction, grabbing my bag and stepping out of the car. The cool air hits me, soothing me. Even though it's early morning and the wind is cold, I'm dressed for the weather in a pair of boots and a windbreaker.

I look over at the building in front of me, noticing that my car is the only one around. This is why I like coming Saturday morning. Most other people sleep in on the weekend, which tends to give me the place alone.

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