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"What's going on?"

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"What's going on?"

I startle, only just managing not to slip and cut myself. Really, you don't surprise a guy with a razor...

I glance up, seeing Sophie standing in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest, an eyebrow raised.

"Last day of the Big Ten," I say, slowly rinsing the razor in the sink before dragging it up my calf, my leg perched on the bathroom counter.

"I'm gonna need more than that." I catch her gaze in the mirror, and she's following the movement of the razor up my leg.

"It's to be aerodynamic."

She blinks twice. "You're not an airplane, Jayden."

"Shaving your body hair can shave off a few hundreds of a second in the pool. In swimming, every millisecond counts," I explain, continuing. It's been part of my pre-meet ritual for years.

"So that's why you're always so smooth."

I crack a smile. "Why did you think that was?"

She shrugs. "I dunno; I supposed you were just a very hairless dude." She walks a bit closer, watching me intently in the mirror. "Want me to do your back?"

I glance over my shoulder, even though I know it's physically impossible for me to see the entirety of my back like that. All I see is Sophie smirking in my peripheral vision. "I don't have hair on my back."

She pats my arm, leaving the bathroom again. "Sure you don't."

Once she's gone, I try turning my back to the mirror, looking over my shoulder, but since I didn't take my leg down first, I'm basically turning myself into a lopsided pretzel. It's a miracle I don't fall on my ass.

Also, my back is hairless.

When I'm done, I find Sophie in my kitchen, making herself a cup of coffee. She's still in her sleepwear, having just woken when she found me in the bathroom. I have to run soon to get ready for the Big Ten.

"Hi," I say, leaning in to kiss her as I grab my premade breakfast from the fridge. I'm just gonna eat it at the pool, but I can't skip it altogether. A solid meal is a necessity before a meet.

Sophie cups my cheek, returning the kiss, tasting like coffee and sleepy mornings. When I release her lips, she caresses my cheek. "Like a baby's butt," she coos.

"Stop talking about baby butts, you perv," I say, grabbing a travel cup with coffee. I'm cutting it a bit close.

Sophie slaps my ass as I turn around. "I know; your butt is the only one I can look at, touch, or talk about." I can practically hear the eye roll. "Who knew monogamy was this restrictive?"

"Literally everyone." I hurry to get on my shoes. "You good to lock up?"

Sophie nods, sipping her coffee. "Yeah, I'm just gonna shower, and then I'll go get Ollie, and we'll see you at the pool."

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