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Have you ever had four male swimmers stare at you like you've lost your mind?

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Have you ever had four male swimmers stare at you like you've lost your mind?

No? You should try it. It's hilarious.

Slowly, one by one, their expressions morph into other emotions.

Mitch closes his mouth, his lips turning up in a crooked grin. He folds his arms across his chest, appraising the house behind me, opportunity shining in his eyes.

Jayden heaves a sigh, shaking his head almost unintelligible, and then sends me a somewhat resigned smile.

Davis' mouth is a thin line, his brows furrowed as he looks from Jayden to me to the house and back again.

And lastly, Saltz seems to have the time of his life, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet.

"Fie..." Jayden says, his voice careful like he's speaking to a wild animal.

"Listen," I say, holding eye contact with each of them. "You don't have to be here. I won't blame any of you for bailing. Just get in the car and drive away, and we'll never speak about it again. No hard feelings." I give them a second, but none of them move. "But if you choose to stay, it's because you want to help me make the dirt bag that hurt Jen suffer."

I'm counting on each of them having developed a soft spot for my best friend in the short time they've known her, and the way all of their expressions harden, their feet planting firmer on the ground, tells me I was right. I'm not surprised; it's impossible to know Jen and not love her.

"Alright then," I say cheerfully, clapping my hands together. "Let's fuck some shit up!"

I begin handing out assignments. I pick up the toolbox at my feet and pass it to Mitch. "You and Jay," I point towards the garage, "head that way."

Explaining exactly what I have planned, Mitch grins. "Hells yes."

Then I turn to Saltz. "You go down the driveway and keep a lookout."

His face falls. "Aw, man! That's not-"

I cut him off. "This is non-negotiable, Troy." He scowls at the nickname. "What we're doing here isn't, ah, strictly speaking above board. Now, you don't want to suddenly be missing three teammates because they didn't have anyone to warn them if someone was heading this way, do you?"

He sticks his chin out defyingly, lasting for all of five seconds before he grumbles out an okay and heads down the driveway.

Jayden mouths a silent thank you at me, but I just wave him off. The three other guys are full-grown adults; they are able to assert the risks of going along with my plan and make a choice to do it anyway. But even though Saltz is eighteen, he's still a kid, and I'm not gonna allow him to get in trouble because he wants to impress his teammates.

Lastly, I look at Davis, a mischievous grin spreading on my face. "You're with me."

He gulps, glancing at Jayden like he wishes he could go with him instead.

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