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TW: Physical assault 

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TW: Physical assault 

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Are you free Saturday?

Me: Yeah, what's up?

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Wanna do date night?

Me: Sounds great. What're we doing? 💃

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Thought I could cook

Me: You cook? 👀👀

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: I have many hidden talents

Me: I'm sure 😏

Me: Wanna do it at my place? I have a bigger kitchen, and Jen has plans

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Sounds good. You know, this'll be our third date 😏

Me: No, we've already had our third date??

Me: Italian restaurant, U-M banquet, Friendsgiving

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Friendsgiving wasn't a date... 🤨

Me: It wasn't?

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Ofc not, that was just us hanging with our friends 🤷

Hot-swimmer-butt 🍑: Now, Saturday though 😏😏

I'm staring down at my phone, re-reading Jayden's message, unable to pinpoint that feeling in my stomach exactly.

Luckily, no one is around to see the shell-shocked look on my face. It's late afternoon Monday. I know Jayden must be with Ollie at the skate-park, probably using texting me as a diversion from his younger brother's wild tricks.

I don't have a diversion from the text, though, since the hotel is pretty quiet. No big conferences today, and the hallway by the lobby is deserted.

Then something changes.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise, whether due to the bad cologne suddenly wafting towards me, or the sound of muffled footsteps behind me, I'm not sure.

All I know is that one second, I am walking alone, and the next, I am pressed against a wall, someone holding a forearm against my throat and spitting words at me. "You fucking bitch."

It takes my spinning, panic-filled brain five seconds to realize what's happening. Then the guy pressing me against the wall, his other hand gripping both my wrist, pinning them between us, comes into focus.


Darren is in no way a buff man. However, my upper body strength is laughable. So even though I'm a few inches taller than him, right now, it comes down to pure biology.

And biology decided that men should be given the biggest reward for the least amount of work, so between Darren and me, there is no denying it; Darren is stronger.

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