Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the rays of sunlight shone on my face. Groaning, I woke up and closed the curtains, wanting to go to sleep again but decided to wake up and get ready for school. I went to my closet and picked simple but oversized clothes. A plain black hoodie, black jeans and a black cap with black sneakers.

I quietly opened the door with my clothes folded under my arm as I tiptoed across the corridor and went in the washroom, locking the door as quietly as possible behind me

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I quietly opened the door with my clothes folded under my arm as I tiptoed across the corridor and went in the washroom, locking the door as quietly as possible behind me. I turned on the tap and scrubbed myself well under the streaming jets. A few minutes later I wore my clothes and looked into the mirror as I adjusted my hair. As I was about to leave the washroom, I noticed something on my face which made me stop and look in the mirror. It was a long, fresh bruise, though I had no idea how that happened. I washed it with water, thinking about the events that happened last night. I sighed and opened the cabinet, searching for something which could cover the bruise.

After a few minutes of thorough searching, I finally found some concealer, though I thought twice before putting some on my finger and gently rubbing it on the bruise. It didn't exactly cover it, but at least it was less visible, so I didn't mind much.

I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen, looking for something to eat. I found an apple and few strawberries so I ate them as I grabbed my banana milk from the fridge. I took out my phone, put on a calming playlist and put on my earphones as I walked out of the house. I bit my apple as I looked at the surroundings, it was quite empty except for some people walking down the street and a few cars passing by. It was peaceful, and I liked it.

After 15 minutes of walking, I finally arrived at my school. The school  had been gifted from the ruler of France more than 3000 years ago, and the king had taken the chance to make it into a school where children could get proper education about 900 years ago. Students were everywhere, some were talking, some were getting ready for tests, some were on their phones, everyone was doing something.

I took a deep breath before entering the school, trying to get away unnoticed. But I was immediately pushed on the lockers and I closed my eyes for a second before opening them again.

"Well, well, look who's here!" a tall boy said. "Where's my money?"

"Didn't I give the money to you yesterday?" I asked.

"I want more." the tall boy said.

"Felix, why can't you just ask money from someone else?" I said, completely annoyed. "They have much more money than me, so why can't you jus-"

"Quit the nonsense and give me my money you dumbass!" Felix shouted as he slapped me and pushed me to the ground, kicking me and making me begging him to stop.

"I'll g-give you t-the m-money j-just p-please s-stop." I croaked.

Felix stopped and bent down. "Well give it to me, and be quick about it!"

I stood up unsteadily and went to my locker, opening it and taking some money out which I usually kept hidden for the cafeteria food.

"H-here." I stuttered as I gave the money, which Felix snatched and counted. 

"Too less." he said. "Gimme more."

"B-but its 30 dollars!" I exclaimed. "I only have 20 dollars left now for th-"

"Shut the fuck up and give me the rest of your money!" Felix yelled and I gave him the rest of my money quickly to avoid another blow.

"Good." he said. "See you later, loser."

I felt tears coming into my eyes as I watched him go away with my money, but I quickly wiped them away. At least I had 5 dollars but it wasn't quite enough.

I sighed, trying to get myself together and took out my books for the first class, Accounting. 

The bell rang and I went into my class, receiving giggles and laughs from the other students. I was quite used to it so I ignored it and sat on my desk.

"Good morning class." our accounting teacher, Miss Emma said.

"Good morning Miss Emma." we all said in a chorus.

"How are you all?"

"Good, miss." we said, although the whole class looked like a bunch of zombies.

"Did you all have a good weekend?"

"Yes miss, what about you?"

"I had a good weekend too. I went to the mall on Saturday and watched a good movie on Sunday." she stopped as she bent down to tighten her laces. 

"Does anyone know where we stopped yesterday?" Miss Emma asked.

The whole class looked at each other, as if they were saying, "Do you know the answer?" but no one answered. I raised my hand.

"Yes Jungkook, please tell us where we stopped yesterday?"

"We actually started the 2nd chapter of Accounting and Finance."

"Very good, Jungkook". Miss Emma smiled

I bowed as I sat down on my desk, noticing all the students glaring at me and calling me names like "nerd", goody-goody two shoes", "dork", "dweeb", etc. I just ignored them again, knowing that it would be a waste of time if I tried to respond to the bullies.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a handsome man licking his lips.

"Hey class. Hey teach."

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