Chapter Thirty-Three

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(A/N): I'm sooooo sorry I haven't updated. I've been having major writers block/lack of time.
This chapter is utter crap but I'm just trying to get things going so the story can really happen. I'm so sorry I'm not giving you guys better content. I hope I haven't lost you all.

I love you all. (slightly creepsta)

Alex's POV:
After the events that took place with Ashton attempting to kiss me, I figured it would be useful to clear my head by visiting my club. So, I hopped in my car and did just that, thoughts racing through my mind almost as fast as my car was moving.

How could Ashton do that? He knew I was married and pregnant for heavens sake! I was upset over my conversation with Niall, and that put me in a vulnerable position, and he took advantage of that. My biggest shock is that it's Ashton of all people! He was such a good friend to me and he threw that all out the window. Unbelievable.

I pulled into the parking lot of my club and took my time getting out as it was getting to be a challenge with such a huge tummy. Man, I wonder how bad it will be when I'm nine months!

I make my way into the club and am surprised to see there are quite a few people here, despite the fact it's so early in the day. I approach the bar and take a seat on a stool. Craig, the bartender, comes out from the back and smiles at me, and I smile back. Craig is fun.

"Hey, Alex. How are you?" Craig asks, grabbing two clear glasses and filling them with water.

"I've been better, thanks. You?" I gave a weak smile.

"I've been okay, thanks," Craig smiled, but there was something wrong. I could see it in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sipping my water.

"What? N-nothing's wrong," he shook his head frantically.

Okay, yeah. I'm totally convinced.

"Are you not comfortable sharing with me 'cause I'm your boss?" I asked. "There's really no need to-" I reached my hand out for his but only spilled my water in the process. "Oh, shoot." I clicked my tongue.

"Here, I got it." I watched as Craig reached up to grab a roll of paper towel, raising his shirt in this process. Despite seeing his very defined muscles, I also noticed he had a variety of bruises. Fresh bruises.

"Craig... What the hell happened?" I asked, taking the paper towel from him.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong," he shook his head.

"Then what's this?" I asked, reaching forward and lifting his shirt, exposing the bruises on his side.

He looked at me wide eyed before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the back exit. I walked with him, my eyes wide at his sudden actions. We stepped outside and he released my hand from his grip.

"What is going on?" I shrieked.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, especially you," Craig shook his head. "Someone jumped me..."

"What?! Craig! Have you contacted the police?" I freaked. Poor Craig! He's so sweet, he didn't deserve this.

"I felt guilty... Alex, he seemed off... Like he was mentally unstable," Craig said.

"Well... Well, that may be, but if you contacted the police, it would stop them from hurting anyone else or themselves, plus get them help," I tried to be helpful.

I looked at Craig, who looked pained and worried. I knew by the look on his face there was more to the equation.

"What...?" I asked unsurely.

"Alex... He said he was Chad's son," those words made my heart stop and I thought I was going to throw up. How could that be possible? He's probably just very unwell, as Craig said.

"I have no idea who Chad is, but this guy said he wants to speak with you, but I told him you're not easy to get ahold of and that pissed him off," Craig scratched the back of his neck. "I'm so sorry, Alex. I was going to tell you, I just couldn't figure out how."

I didn't respond as I was trying to register what he just said. How the hell was this possible?

"We need to go to the police first," I said, trying to calm my breathing.

"What? No! What if he finds out and gets pissed? I can only take so many beatings," Craig panicked.

"Craig, we have a better chance of being safe if the police are involved! We'll go together, okay?"

"Alright, fine," Craig gave in.


"You mean to tell me, this guy, who claims to be the son of your step father, the step father you mur..." I cringed at what the officer was about to say. I think he noticed because he cut himself off. "Okay, so you're telling me this guy who said he's the son of your deceased step father, beat up your bartender?" The officer asked, raising an eyebrow.

Craig and I were sitting side by side at the police station, trying to explain the situation we were in. The officer seemed extremely skeptical with the information we were giving him. I can't blame him. I mean, we have no proof it was this guy or that he was actually Chad's son. I wouldn't believe us either.
I nodded my head.

"He also seemed mentally unwell," Craig added. The officer nodded slowly, looking back and forth between Craig and I.

"Well, unfortunately there's not much we can do with the information you gave us, or lack thereof. But, considering you are important in the public eye, you're already at risk of negative attention," the officer explained.
"What I can do for you is recommend an alarm system that also comes with a panic button. Basically, if you think there's an intruder in your home or anything, you can click it and an officer will come to your aid. But that would mean you would have to stay home for a while until we can figure out what's going on, or at least don't go out in public on your own."

I nodded my head in understanding, feeling slightly disappointed that I couldn't go out. Since Ashton went and screwed things up, I don't really have anyone I can go out with. I guess I'll be housebound for a while. What the hell am I gonna do in a big house all by myself?

"We'll send a team over by tomorrow. In the meantime just be safe." Be safe? Thanks, officer. That's a huge help.

"Thank you, sir," I nodded my head firmly, standing up. Craig followed me out of the room and out of the police station.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Craig asked, sounding fairly concerned.

"Oh, gosh. Don't worry about me! I should be worried about you. You did get your ass beat on my account. I'm so sorry," I rubbed my tummy, feeling the baby move. I just wanted to go home and sit in bed with Niall, but that's not happening.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be alright. I've gotta head back to work b-"

"No. You go home and rest up. You'll still get paid for the time you missed. I'll see you back in say... Two days?" I cut him off.


"Craig," I turned and gave him a stern look. "Go home."

"Thank you. Call me if you need anything," Craig smiled gratefully. He pulled me in for a hug and I patted his back gently. It was slightly awkward considering the basketball that was my tummy between us.

"See ya," I saluted him then hopped in my car.

I sighed, allowing myself to relax in my seat. I rubbed circles around my belly as the baby moved, feeling him kick. I'm surprised this didn't hurt more... But I did have to pee.

"Let's head home, youngling." I whispered to the unborn soccer player kicking around my tummy.

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