Chapter Five

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Alex's POV:

Today was the last day at Uni. We had a small ceremony where we received our certificates. Niall attended my ceremony, where as my parents couldn't make it.

We were now packing up everything in our dorm room. My stomach ached and my heart burned, and I just felt tired, even though I slept fifteen hours. Yeah.

"Niall... Do you think you can finish packing for me? I want to say goodbye to a few people..." I asked Niall.

"Sure, babe. I'll text you when we're leaving." He placed a quick kiss to my lips and I left.

I was walking down the stairs when I accidentally bumped shoulders with someone, knocking their box out of their hands.

"I'm so sorry." I bent down to help clean the mess, not bothering to look at who it was.

They bent down as well, and I heard that she was sobbing.

I looked up and was met with they crying eyes of EveLynn.

"EveLynn? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

I couldn't forget about what I saw yesterday. I've felt guilty the whole time.

"It's nothing. Why do you care anyways?" She looked at me with a cold stare.

"EveLynn... I saw your mom hitting you." I blurted out.

"W-What? No, you didn't- you must have just thought it was me." She shook her head.

"I know it was. That's why you had all those bruises. I'm so sorry you have to go through that." I whispered the last part.

"I don't know what to do. I have to go live her now. She's made me act mean to everyone, and she's been doing this to me since my mom died." EveLynn gave in.

I wrapped an arm around her and let her cry on my shoulder.

"... I went through the same thing." I suddenly said.


"After my dad died and best friend died in a car accident, that put me in a coma for three years, my mum turned into a drug addict and alcoholic. She remarried this arse named Chad. He beat me everyday for almost a whole year of my life. After I was adopted, he eventually found me and kidnapped me. Long story short, he killed my mum, shot me and my boyfriend, and... I killed him." I clamped my eyes shut as the memories came flooding back.

All of a sudden he fired the gun. I screamed and ducked protecting my head with my hands and my stomach and chest with my legs.

I heard my mother fall down behind me.

"Mom!" I screamed.

I turned to see her laying down with blood oozing from her chest.

Tears pouring from my eyes, I took her hand and quickly kissed her forehead.

"I love you, mommy." I said before running into the kitchen.

I grabbed a knife from the knife rack, and hid it behind my back.

Just as I was going to run out of the kitchen, Chad walked in holding the gun towards me.

I flinched as the next gun shot went of, hitting me right in the forearm.

"You were seriously stupid enough to get yourself cornered." He laughed.

He crouched over while laughing and I took my chance...

I ran towards him and stabbed the knife into his chest, then pushed him and ran.

Running passed my now dead mother, I made my way to the door which I fumbled with.

I eventually got it open and ran out the door to see Niall running out of his car.

I ran towards him and into his arms.

He held onto my as I cried into his chest.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He questioned.

I lifted my shirt to show him the gun shot wound, and he started to tear up.

"Come on, we got to get you to a hospital." He said.

He pushed me toward the car when I heard another gun fire.

I turned around to see Niall grabbing his shoulder.

"Niall!" I screamed, running to his side.

"Call the cops." He groaned.

I looked up and saw Chad fall over, dropping his gun down the steps.

"One second." I said shakily.

I slowly made my way towards the gun, picking it up.

I stared at it, anger boiling up inside me.

I stood over Chad who laid there unconscious.

I looked at him coldly as I thought of all he's done to me and the people I love.

He abused me ever since I got out of the hospital for two years of my life. He killed my birth mother. He shot the love of my life in front of my own eyes

He's made me afraid to live, and for that I feel he doesn't deserve to live.

With tears of anger pouring down my cheeks, I aimed the gun at his head.

"Alex! Don't!" Niall said, holding his wound.

I looked at Niall and shook my head.

I turned back to Chad and said three final words to him.

"I hate you."

Then pulled the trigger.

"You killed him?" EveLynn looked at me in disbelief.

"It was in a defensive manor. I'm not saying you can go around murdering people who hurt you. But you can solve the problem another way. Like reaching out for help." I told her.

She nodded her head and stood up.

"Thanks, Alex. I'm sorry for being mean to you all these years. I've always known you were nice." EveLynn said guiltily.

That's when it hit me.

"EveLynn Strauss... My bully from grade school!" I gasped.

"You're Alex LaBelle?!" She shrieked.

"Used to be..."

"I'm sorry. I've been bullying you for... Pretty much your whole life. I never wanted to, I'm so sorry." EveLynn apologized.

I waved my hand dismissively and smiled weakly.

"The past is the past. It's the future that counts. I think we can be good friends." I smiled.

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

"Yeah! Here, I'll give you my number and you can text me anytime."

I pulled out one of my business cards and handed it to her.

Yes, I made business cards. I'll make more when I actually open a business...

"Thank you. Talk soon, okay?" She smiled.

"Sounds good. Bye."

Before I could walk away, EveLynn pulled me into a friendly hug.

I rubbed her back for a second then pulled apart and walked away.

It never hurts to make friends with your enemies. They could turn out to be really amazing people.


I sat in Munchies with Arel, Jack and Baylor. We were pigging out on sandwiches and pop.

"I'm seriously gonna miss you guys." I sighed.

"We'll have to get together sometimes." Baylor said with a mouthful of food.

We all laughed and I nodded my head.

"Okay. We can meet up at mind and Niall's place... You know, when we find a place." I blushed.

"Alrighty. Well, Cora and I are taking off soon. Bette go find her." Baylor stood up.

I stood up as well and pulled him into a hug.

"Bye, Baylor. Be safe." I tightened my grip around his torso.

"You to. I'll be seeing ya." Baylor kissed my cheek as he walked away.

"We better run to. You can always text us." Arel smiled.

"And if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call." Jack took my hand.

I hugged each of them as we said our goodbyes, leaving the restaurant and going our separate ways.

I spent a few years of my life here, and I guess it's time to let go and move on. I have a whole life waiting for me back home, and I can't wait for it.

With my hand on my sore stomach, I walked towards the parking lot of my dorm where Niall and Kassity were chatting away.

"Hey! There she is." Niall smiled at me.

"Hi. Are we ready to go?" I asked.

Niall nodded his heads as did I.

"I'll see you at home." I hugged Kassity.

"Bye." She smiled, getting into her car and driving off.

I got in the passengers seat of my car, Niall doing the driving. I felt tired and almost instantly fell asleep.

Bye, Uni.

Hello, real world.

(A/N): I know you haven't found out if Alex is pregnant or not but you'll see soon. :3

Okay sorry about this.

Thanks for reading. Love ya! (No creepsta)

- Corrina :) needs :) sleep :):):):):):)

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