Chapter Thirty-Six

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Alex's POV:

I woke up the next morning sweaty and with a heavy weight on my chest... Literally. Niall was sleeping soundly with his arm resting on my chest. I grabbed his hand then dropped it at his side. I watched as he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Sorry, love. Was I crushin' you?" he asked with his thick Irish accent as he rubbed his face into the pillow.

"More like constricting my breathing, but that's okay," I smiled, hoping this was real and Niall was actually home.

"Well, I tried to put my arm on your belly but it just slides off. That thing is a mountain," he smiles proudly, placing a kiss on my pregnant belly. I stare down at him as I try not to take offence to what he just said.

"I'm going to go downstairs and make breakfast and act like you didn't just say that," I chuckled as I climbed out of bed.

"I meant it in a good way!" Niall said quickly as he stood up, standing in only his boxers. Man, did I miss that view. He walked towards me, about to embrace me in a hug but I put my hand up and pushed him away. "Babe, you're not really mad, are you?"

"No, I'm not mad. I'm just enjoying the view," I smirked. Niall chuckled and hugged me tight, kissing me on the forehead.

"And I've missed everything about you. Including spending the whole day in bed. What do you say I order McDonald's to the house and we spend the day in bed?" Niall purposes.

"How can I say no?"

"Good," Niall smiled triumphantly.

Niall left the room to go order food while I went to the bathroom. Luckily, my prescription from the baby doc was working and I wasn't feeling nauseous. I finished my bathroom duties just in time to receive a call from none other than Harry Styles himself.

"Well, how lucky am I to be receiving a call from the Harry Styles," I mused. Harry's laugh rang through the phone and I couldn't help but smile.

"And how lucky am I that you, the Alex Horan, actually answered the phone?" Harry joked. I smiled to myself as I crawled back into bed.

"So, I'm assuming you called because you heard what happened?" I asked, referring to the recent "attack". There was a small silence before he answered.

"I guess, yeah. It made me realize that I've been a shitty friend. You're pregnant and successful and strong and I just feel like I haven't recognized it enough. I mean, we've barely talked," Harry spoke sincerely.

"You don't need to feel bad. It's a two way street. Plus, you're on tour. I understand why you and Niall or dad or any of the boys can't talk," I sighed. It was the lonely, being away from the people I loved most, but they were living their dream. How could I fight that?

"It's just been making me think, that's all... Honestly, I think it's made us all think," Harry spoke distantly.

"That was deep as fu..."

"Oh, bite me," Harry cut me off, chuckling. I smiled to myself as I made my way back towards my bed.

"Well, Harry, I hope you know that I miss you lots. And I can't wait to see you again, whenever that may be."

"Yeah, you too, Alex. And I hope you know that I'm proud of you. I can't imagine that anything you're going through is easy. Be safe and take care of yourself."

"Talk soon?"

"Of course," Harry said as if I had just asked the most ridiculous question. "Bye, Alex."

We hung up the phone as Niall came back upstairs to tell me the order had been made and it would be delivered soon.

"So, what should we do in bed today? Watch movies?" I ask Niall.

"We can do that. And we can catch up... I feel like I've missed so much time with you and our almost child thing," Niall sighs. I chuckle at his version of "unborn baby".

"It's okay that you have. You're living your dream, Niall," I tell him while trying to convince myself that what I'm saying is true.

Niall looked as though he was about to say something, but the doorbell rang.
"Hold that thought," he says as he rushes out of the room. He returns only a moment later, McDonald's in hand.

We eat our food in silence. I can't help but watch every move he makes, taking in the fact that he's really here, after all of this time. Niall eventually finishes eating, before me, of course. He cleans off his mouth with a napkin then stares at me for a moment as I scarf down my hash-brown.

"What..?" I ask, feeling self conscious.

"I don't want to leave you again. I want to be here for the next, what, four months of your pregnancy? Then I want to be here with you to raise our child," Niall says, tears building in his eyes. I quickly brush my food to the side as I grab his hands.

"Niall, what are you saying?" I ask, my heart racing.

"I'm saying that...

I'm quitting One Direction."

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