Chapter Thirty

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(A/N: sorry this took a while. I had a whole chapter done but it got deleted >_< I'm sorry this isn't very good, but there's lots of stuff going on so keep your eyes peeled ;)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! What did you get this year?
I hope 2015 is great for you all and that amazing things happen for you!

It's been 3 years since the Adopted By Elounor series began, and I can't believe how much has happened since then. I owe my happiness to you. Thank you for everything you've done for me and continue to do. I love you so much! (No creepsta/stalkero)

This series isn't done yet. There's still a bit more to come in this book :p
Promo: don't forget to check out my O2L fan fiction called "Head in the Clouds" it has many of your fav Youtubers in it and all that jazz. Such as the O2L boys (even though they broke up :'( ), Cameron Dallas, etc. thanks xD

- Corrina

Alex's POV:

I sat quietly on the black leather couch in the basement, zoning out on a television show I didn't know the name of. I honestly wasn't paying attention, my mind would continuously wander off. Niall being away, how many things could go wrong while hes gone, how much I hate being alone, crazy fans could show up at our house, anything could go wrong. And It feels so strongly like it will. Oh, how I hate being alone.

I need to distract myself.

With a little leap in my step, I walked over to the speakers and plugged in my iPhone. I played one of my all time favourite songs to dance to. "Tighten Up" by The Black Keys. They made me dance in my seat when I saw them in concert, I know I'll be able to dance now.

I bobbed my head to the beat as the music began to play. Time to lighten up a bit...

"I wanted love, I needed love..." I sang, starting to slowly glide around the room.

"Someone said true love was dead, and I'm bound to fall..." I jumped onto the couch, singing the lyrics like the rockstar I am.

"Take my badge but my heart remains lovin' you, baby child. Tighten up on your reigns, you're runnin' wild, runnin' wild... It's true." I began to play the greatest air drums in the history of air drums.

"I'm Ashton Irwin." I chuckled, making an air fill.

"Am I really that bad?" A voice spoke from the door, startling me and causing me to jump. I fell off the couch but safely landed on a bean bag.

"What the hell, Ashton?! You're not suppose to scare preg-" I suddenly realized what I was saying. "People. You're not supposed to scare people." I stood up cautiously.

"And what the bloody fuck are you doing in my house?" I asked, walking over and turning off my music, placing my phone in my pocket.

"Eleanor's orders. She had to take little Lea to a friends house, but asked that I came to see you. Said you weren't supposed to be alone." Ashton shrugged.

"How did you get in?" I chuckled, running a hand through my hair.

"Eleanor said you had a key in the plant pot... It took me a while to figure out which plant. Uh, you have a bit of dirt on your patio, by the way." Ashton scratched back of his neck awkwardly, laughing a slight bit.

"I'll have to get the maid to clean it up." I sighed, walking towards the stairs.

"You guys have a maid?" Ashton sounded amazed, following me up the stairs.

"I was talking about you." I turned to look at him as I reached the top of the stairs, walking into the kitchen.

"Have you had lunch yet?" I asked Ashton as I opened the fridge door.

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