Chapter Six

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Niall's POV:

I pulled the car into the driveway, hitting a small bump on the pavement which woke Alex. She groaned and stretched her arms, hitting me in the face by accident.

"Sorry." She let out a quick chuckle.

"No worries, babe. It's late, we should get some sleep. I'm taking you to the doctors tomorrow, wether you like it or not." I gave a her a serious look.

"But I'm fine. It's just a bug! I'm not going to die." Alex smiled weakly.

"Yeah, but-"

I was cut off by Louis tapping on the window.

God, I haven't really spoken to him since I asked for permission to marry Alex...

"Hey, Louis... Can we talk?" I walked in with Eleanor by my side.

I spoke with Eleanor about proposing to Alex, and she was all for it.

"Sure..." Louis said unsurely.

Eleanor took Louis' hand in hers, where as my hands were shaking violently.

Asking the father of your girlfriend for permission to marry their daughter, isn't necessarily a very easy thing to do.

"You know I really love Alex, right? And I will never ever hurt her or let her go again...?" I finally spoke.

"Yeah... What is this?" Louis asked, looking at me.

Even though Louis is my bandmate and one of my best friends, this isn't an easy thing to do.

"God help me please." I silently prayed.

"Yeah, well... I was wondering if I could have your permission to marry your daughter...? I love her with all my heart, and I want nothing more than to make her mine forever,"

Louis gave me a strange look, one I couldn't really read. He looked as though he was angry, confused, unsure all at once.

"Please. She is the reason I smile everyday. Before, I never believed I could fall in love, find that right person... But then you brought Alex into my life, and everything changed. I fell in love with every little thing about her. The way her eyes twinkle when she smiles, the butterflies she gives me when we kiss, the way she scares herself when she snores... I love her with all my heart, and if you allow me to marry her, I will show the whole world what she means to me." I babbled, smiling to myself the whole time.

Eleanor smiled, tears in her eyes. She gave me a small nod, letting me know I said just the right thing. I meant every word of what I said. Alex is the one for me, not doubt about it.

Louis stared right into my eyes for a few moments, then smiled slightly.

"Of course you can marry Alex. I know you will treat her right, and if you don't I'll beat your ass." Louis gave me a pat on the shoulder.

Relief and happiness washed over me as I ran across the room and hugged them both.

"I promise I won't let you down." I smiled at them.

They smiled back, making me feel as though I couldn't be happier.

"Dad!" Alex shrieked as she opened the door, hugging her father.

I don't think I'll ever get use to that...

My bandmate is also the father of my fiancé.

Yep, still weird.

"Hey, baby girl." Louis rubbed Alex's back.

"I missed you so much. Your mother and sister did as well. It's great to see you." Louis said to Alex.

She smiled and moved out of the way so I could give Louis a bro-hug.

"Hope you've been taking care of her." Louis whispered in my ear.

If only he knew.

Louis helped take Alex's bags as we entered the house.

"Your mum and Lea are asleep." Louis whispered to us.

Alex nodded her head as she quickly hugged Louis and grabbed her bags.

Together, we walked up the stairs towards her bedroom.


Alex's POV:

"Alex." A voice spoke in my ear.

"Alex, wake up." The voice said again.

I stirred for a moment then opened my eyes.

"What?" I muttered groggily.

"Get ready. We're going to the doctors." Niall spoke softly, stroking my hair gently.

"Poopy." I pouted.

Niall chuckled and stood up.

"I'll leave you to get changed. I'll be waiting in the car. Be quick!" Niall sent a quick wink and smile my way.

I blushed and got out of bed, slipping into a pair of jeans and a dark blue tank top. I ran a brush through my knotted hair and tied it back in a ponytail.

Without a sound, I ran down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone.

It was still fairly early, so yeah...

Opening the door, I took a seat in the passenger seat of Niall's range rover.

He placed a gentle kiss to my cheek as we drove to the doctors down the road.

(A/N): oh my lord I'm so sorry! I've been so busy lately, I haven't had the chance to write. I put this together in about 5 minutes so that's why it's so short and crappy. I'll try my best to update soon! Please don't hate me!

Thanks for reading.. Love ya! (No creepsta)

- Corrina the busy turtle

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