Chapter Three

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Alex's POV:

Groaning, I rolled over in bed and slammed my alar clock until it shut up.

Sitting up, I felt my head and was happy to feel I didn't have a fever anymore.

"Yay!" I chirped quietly.

"Where's my pho-"

I was cut off when that all to familiar pain shot through my stomach.

Clutching my stomach, I bent over and grunted.

"Why?" I said through clenched teeth.

Standing up, I awkwardly ran to the bathroom where I threw up, yet again.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Flushing the toilet, I rested my head against the bathtub and cried.

Why am I crying? No clue. Just am.

After a few minutes I felt a hand rub up and down my back.

Expecting it to be Kassity, I shooed the hand away then realized it was Niall.

"Baby..." Niall whispered sadly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." I croaked.

"It'll be fine. If it keeps up we'll see a doctor, okay?" Niall smiled weakly.

I nodded my head then stood up, brushing my teeth and washing my face.

"I'll walk you to class." Niall sat on my bed as I stripped into my underwear.

I slipped into some sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt. I just feel to crappy to care.

"You look gorgeous, even in sweats." Niall winked.

"Thanks." I stuck my tongue out at him.

I went to grab some cereal when I felt dizzy.

"Woah..." I clamped my eyes shut as I fell to the floor.

"Alex? Alex!" Niall shouted, running to my side.

"Dizzy." I mumbled.

My head was spinning, and I soon began to burn up.

Niall helped me up and laid me down in bed.

"Rest for a while. I'll be right here." Niall kissed my head.

I soon fell asleep, without a thought in my head.

Niall's POV:

I paced back in forth in Alex's room, looking down at her passed out body.

My poor girl... What's wrong?

Kassity walked in the room, sipping on her coffee.

"Woah! Hey there, Niall." She chuckled.

I looked at her sadly and her smile fell.

She looked over at Alex then back at me.

"Is she okay?" Kassity asked worriedly.

"I honestly don't know." I sighed.

"Well, our last day is tomorrow anyways... So, you might as well take her home tonight." Kassity shrugged.

"I'll talk to her about it when she wakes up." I went to sit on the bed, but missed and landed on the floor.

"Good job, buddy." Kassity laughed at me.

"You think that's funny?" I looked at her.

"Hell yeah." She chuckled, putting her cup down along with her purse.

"You know what I find funny?" I stood up slowly.

She eyed me carefully as I approached her.

"What...?" She grinned.


I made a sneak attack, throwing her over my shoulder and dropping her onto her bed and tickling her.

"Niall! Ah! S-Stop!" Kassity laughed.

By now I was straddling her lap, tickling her sides as she struggled and squirmed.

"Just what every sick fiancé wants to wake up to." I heard a soft voice say.

"Alex I-"

"I'll see you after class." Alex cut me off.

Alex threw her bag over her shoulder and left the room, looking beyond pissed.

I slouched and looked down at Kassity, who looked just as guilty as me.

Crawling off of her, I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and ran to the bathroom.

I don't know what else to do!

I'm just wondering why Alex is so sick and moody...

I have one idea, just not sure if it's what I think it is.

To me, it seems as though my theory could be correct.

I think Alex is pregnant.

(A/N): Short filler chapter sorry.

Thanks for reading even though it's crap.

Love ya! (No creepsta)

- Corrina

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