Chapter Sixteen

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Alex's POV:

After dinner, Niall and I stayed behind to help clean up. As we were cleaning, I noticed Perrie was acting a bit strange. Like she was anxious for something.

"Dinner was great, Per." I smiled as I placed the dishes in the sink.

"Thanks..." Perrie smiled weakly.

"Hey... You okay?" I asked cautiously.

"C-Can I talk to you in private fr a second?" Perrie asked nervously.

"Of course."

I followed her up the stairs to her bedroom, leaving Zayn and Niall talking downstairs.

"What's up?" I asked.

Perrie literally burst into tears, sobbing and whaling like a toddler.

My eyes widened in surprise but I quickly reacted by guiding her head towards my shoulder and wrapping my arms around her.

"Shh, it's okay." I tried to comfort her.

She let out a loud cry and I jumped a bit in surprise.

After a few minutes of her soaking my shirt she sat up, wiping her eyes. Her mascara and eyeliner ran down her cheeks, like large black tears. Poor girl.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked quietly.

"I-I'm p-p-pregnant!" She started crying again.


Pregnant? I repeated in my head.

"Why are you crying? That's a great thing!" I tried to cheer her up.

She sniffled and looked at me sadly.

"I thought you wanted to have a baby." Perrie frowned.

"Of course I do! Just because I do, doesn't mean you can't." I chuckled lightly.

"Oh, okay... But there's another problem." Perrie croaked.

"What is it?"

"Zayn told me he doesn't want kids yet." Perrie's voice was barely audible.

That could be a problem...

"Does he know you're pregnant?" I asked softly.

She shook her head 'no' and frowned even more.

"I don't know what to do, Alex." She looked at me.

"There's a baby growing in my stomach. My baby. But my husband says he doesn't want kids. What the hell do I do?" She whispered to herself.

"You should tell him. I know it's scary but he's your husband and he should e happy about it. If he's not at first, give him time to think about it." I advised.

I honestly have no freaking clue what to say... I've never been in this position before.

"Everything will be okay." I said reassuringly.

Oh, how I hope I'm right...


After my deep talk with Perrie, Niall and I went back home.

We walked trough the front door and hung up our coats.

"Crap!" Niall shouted, making me jump.

"What?" I gasped.

"We forgot to get the test." Niall pouted.

I chuckled, kissing his pouted lip.

"You're so cute. We can get it tomorrow." I smiled at him.

He nodded his head then walked into the living room, where as I was thirsty so headed to the kitchen.

"What should we-"

I was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"I wonder who it is..." I wondered aloud.

I opened the door and saw a shivering Perrie on the doorstep, a duffle bag by her side.

"He wasn't happy."

(A/N): short update sorry. I've very busy and my phone isn't working anymore. So I'm hoping I can update next week? Please don't hate me :(

I really want to make y'all happy but it's hard so I'm sorry.

On another note, I posted the breakdowns to two new stories comig in 2014! One is called "The Bucket List" and the other is "I Can Trust You, Right?" It'd mean a lot if y'all checked them out!

Oh and to some people who are commenting and saying how I should and shouldn't write my story, please stop. This is MY story, I'm the one writing it not you so stoop. Write your own then you can put in your ideas.

Jc Caylen did a follow spree tonight bad as usual I remain unnoticed *le tear*

Alright well! Thanks for reading guys! Love ya! (No creepsta) <--- oh and I'll never stop saying that >:)

- Corrina the stressed hobo

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