Chapter Four

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Kassity's POV:

After I finished my coffee, I left to go to class.

I felt guilty for upsetting Alex, but nothing was happening or will ever happen between Niall and I! He's like my brother, and all the was happening was innocent tickling.

When I got to class, Alex was sitting in her usual spot beside Arel, her head resting on the table. Her tangled mess of hair covered her face, but I could still see her frown.

I sat beside her and brushed her hair out of her face.

"What was happening between you and Niall?" Alex looked at me, her eyes pleading for a truthful answer.

"Nothing. We were just fooling around. I promise Alex, I'd never do such a thing." I said honestly.

Alex studied my face for a moment, searching my features for any hint that I was lying. She smiled and hugged me.

"Sorry. I don't know why I'm so defensive and moody. I believe it's cause I'm sick." Alex shrugged.

"Its okay." I smiled weakly.

Our professor came in and it was time to start class. Youpie!


Alex's POV:

After class, I walked outside, rubbing my sore tummy. Waiting for me outside was my wonderful fiancé. I smiled and ran into his arms.

"Alex I swear nothing happened earlier wit-"

I cut him off by smashing my lips to his.

"I know, I was just overreacting. I love you, Niall, and I know you'd never cheat." I looked into his beautiful sky blue eyes.

"I love you to." He kissed my cheek.

"Care to go for a walk, my lady?" Niall put out his hand.

"I'd love to. Let's just make it quick, I wanna lay down." I chuckled lightly.

I took Niall's hand, resting my head on his shoulder as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I can't wait to go home." I sighed dreamily.

"I know. We can go house hunting ." Niall smiled down at me.

"Nice big, beautiful, cozy home." I grinned.

"Sounds perfect." Niall kissed my temple.

All of a sudden, I heard a loud shattering noise, and some screaming.

"Niall, do you hear that?" I stopped in my tracks.

I started to look around when two figures caught my eye.

There was a middle aged woman yelling at another girl, who I could only see the back of. The middle aged woman shouted for a few minutes before she lifted her hand and slapped the other girl!

The girl being yelled at turned her head, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


As in EveLynn who always bullies me for nothing. She's being abused!

How do I know this isn't just a fight? Because I've been in the position, and I know what's happening.

"Oh my god..." I whispered under me breath.

I stood there, paralyzed. As much as I disliked EveLynn, no child deserves to be abused by their parents or anyone at all. I was watching EveLynn get slapped, pinched, punched, kicked and yelled at, and there's nothing I could do...

"Let's go." I said quickly to Niall as I pulled him further up the sidewalk.

I can't believe it...

"What was it?" Niall asked me.

"Nothing." I lied.

I suddenly started to feel nauseous, along with what felt like heartburn.

"Ooouch." I put one hand on my stomach and another on my chest.

I fell into the grass and laid there in a fetal position.

"Are you okay?" Niall sat by my side, rubbing my stomach gently.

"God. What the hell is wrong with me?!" I screamed.

The pain I felt was agonizing.

"Do you want me to call 9-1-1?" Niall asked worriedly.

"No. Just carry me back to the hotel." I spoke through clenched teeth.

With my hand clutching my stomach, I wrapped my arm around Niall's neck as his hands slid beneath my bum and under my arms. He hoisted me into the air and carried me bridal style.

Every so often I'd moan and groan, clamping my eyes shut. I seriously don't know what's wrong?

We arrived at the dorm, where Kassity was sitting and watching TV.

Niall placed me gently on the bed and I switched to the fetal position once again.

"What the hell happened?" Kassity asked, standing up and walking over to Niall.

"I don't know! One minute she's fine, the next she's in pain!" Niall exclaimed.

"You're taking her to the doctor when we get home. For now... I need you to go to the grocery store and get a few things." Kassity whispered.

Niall's POV:

"You're taking her to the doctor when we get home. For now... I need you to go to the grocery store and get a few things." Kassity whispered to me.

At a moment like this, her best friend in agonizing pain, she wants me to run to the grocery store?!

"What is so important that I have to leave Alex to go to the store?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I need you to get pregnancy tests." Kassity whispered so Alex couldn't hear.

"For you? You think you're pregnant?!" My voice rose a little, surprised at what I was hearing.

"Not for me, idiot." She shook her head.

"Then who?"

"For Alex."

"Ha! I'm not the only one." I smirked.

"You're so stupid." Kassity rolled her eyes.

"Just go get the stuff. I'll watch her." Kassity pushed me out the door.


I returned half an hour later with the pregnancy tests.

Alex was sitting up in bed, eating some soup. She looked so tired and ill. I wish I could kiss her and make it all better.

"Alex... I got you something." I sat beside her.

"What is it?" She asked quietly.

I handed her the box and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. She looked up at me in disbelief.

"I'll leave you two be." Kassity quickly left the room.

"You think I'm pregnant?" Alex asked.

"Maybe. There's only one way to be sure, right?" I looked at the test.

"Okay. Be right back." She carefully stood up and dragged her feet to the bathroom. (A/N: imagine that literally. Dragging your FEET. Ok)

Alex went and did her thing as I sat anxiously on the bed.

What if she is pregnant?

You're gonna stand up and be a great father and great partner. Duh.

I'm just scared. I don't know if I'm ready...

I heard the bathroom door open a few minutes later and Alex came in holding the stick in between her fingers.

Tears were streaming down her face, which may or may not be a good sign...

She showed me the stick and I looked at the symbol.


I'll try and post a photo of my new hair on the side.

Thanks for reading. Love ya! (No creepsta)

- Just Corrina.

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